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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by stoneam2006

  1. Thanks. It works good just not sturdy enough way to mount on my boat with it being a open bow ski boat. Thought I could rig something up but decided to go with trolling plate and possibly a kicker If needed. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  2. Didn't you see the one the young lady took in cohocton...dandy..sorry to sidetrack thread Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  3. Minn kota all terrain 65lb 24v trolling motor with battery's 200 bucks decided to go different direction hinsdale ny would like to sell asap Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  4. Congrats silent death....I went out from 7 to 10 have to work no deer around fresh sign. He will mess up otherwise I'll give him all I got once the snow gets here Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  5. What no antler ice on the kitchen table? Lol happy birthday Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  6. Congratulations TF Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  7. This is stuff I use said to also condition barrel and says can put a light coat on sabot to help with loading (I dont) but seems to keep everything nice powder fouling wipes right out only spot in mine that gets any sort of extra attention is where powder sits at end of breech plug. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  8. Get some bore butter and run that down it instead of oil. I use old to shirt piece that I rub bore butter into and run in and out a few times Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  9. I only clean the entire gun every 4 or 5 shots. Including the breech plug Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  10. My favorite season. I may even take the 16th thru the close off depending on how the next week or so goes. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  11. Yep exactly what it is. Hardly little tools Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  12. Just pick up a torch tip cleaner from any hardware store they are basically different sized wire on a nice little holder...although I will be using TF method if I get in a jam bc that's a good idea. It really doesn't take much to clean them if you keep after it Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  13. Stateland again today let's see what happens Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  14. On the paper towel dispenser. Automatic dispenser say paper Towel loudly Funny as heck listening to guys say it over and over Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  15. Yep it's shitty I lost one in archery season bc of it. Shot a doe another one came by and I shot that one too ended up hitting her back in guts. Didn't give enough time ands rain was starting and dark was comming tracked it to the property line where guy had his number. I called he said no but promised me he would go get it as I told him right where it crossed. Nothing we can do about it as hunters it will happen to the best of us. Only reason this became an article was bc it was a big buck unfortunatly Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  16. I tell ya 100 grain (sure 90 be good to) and 300 grain shockwaves and you should be drilling them at 200 Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  17. I had old version that buddy let me use a bunch the new ones are so much better IMO Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  18. Personally I would buy a box of the 50s and shoot 110 and only need 1 50 pellet per shot. I don't see why you couldn't use 4 other than getting uneven burn thru powder resulting in waste Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  19. I use cci Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  20. Another thing I think makes a difference is how well you know the specific property. Makes it easier to pinpo9nt where the deer should be Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  21. No I don't even notice it I clean every 5 or so and only bc I choose to I've never had a problem making the bore spotless afterward. Worst spot is where the breech plug meets the powder Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  22. I will look but I do not believe that to be true Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
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