Its a hard thing to deal with,i belonged to a club in Sullivan Co.NY and we had some defiant ones that even when confronted would continue trespassing.The only way to stop them would be for at least 1 member to file official charges and follow thru with court appearances etc. So not so easy with many living out of town or with busy schedules.Then with the advent of 4 wheelers things got worse.Before that I had to sell a camp up in Pine Bush that had been a haunt for kids before I bought it,I practley rebuilt the place many week ends but the kids kept breaking in,it was a sad thing but I sold it and later joined a club that had local members that kept an eye out which turned out to be the best alternative.Picture is of my Pine Bush NY camp with lake frontage, deer stand was a 15 minute walk away,still dreaming bout that one .John aka JW QLTY