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mpavlus last won the day on May 18 2023

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  • Hunting Location
    Upstate New York
  • Hunting Gun
    Mossberg 835/Remington 7600
  • HuntingNY.com
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  1. Stateline Bullets. Rt. 81 south if Binghamton.
  2. I haven't been able to find dates for fall 2024 season. All I could find is fall 2023 and spring 2024. Nothing for fall 2024. Has anyone seen anything? Thanks.
  3. Same where I hunt. I got one last weekend. That stirred them up. Other hunters during the wee. That stirred the up. Last weekend I heard one distant gobble and that was it. They're scattered and they shut up. Usual pattern.
  4. Day two was a success. Opening day I messed up. Today was excellent. Spotted 3 Tom's in the field last evening. Followed them to roost. Snuck back in early this morning. They gobbled from the roost. Nothing on the ground. A few soft yelps and a short time later a saw a white head move. He came in silent.
  5. Awesome hunting. Good job.
  6. Heard lots of gobbling this morning. Checked scouting cameras. Looks good so far.
  7. mpavlus


    Do you think turkeys will roost during the eclipse?
  8. Yes still plenty of good hunting left. Getting leafy. Good to hide in. Good luck.
  9. Jake tag and Gobbler tag. Doesn't matter. They all end up like this.
  10. Thank you. It was a very nice day. Good luck.
  11. Tagged out this morning. Good bird. 9" beard. 19 1/2 lbs. He flew off roost and walked off with hen last weekend. I heard him gobble on roost last night. Snuck into his woods at 5am. He gobbled at 60 yards away. Perfect. Then a hen that I didn't know was there yelped right in between us. He flew down and she flew down to him. Shut up and walked away. Kept a eye on him all morning in the field. He'd answer but not leaving hens. About 11am I heard him gobble at other end of the field,back I go. Field had a crown to it. I called once in he came. Long morning and great hunt. Otsego County. Leatherstocking country.
  12. Second best part about turkey hunting. Turkey BBQ sandwiches topped with coleslaw and a cold beer
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