Every year I stay at the Westin in Boston and bus loads of their flight attendants are constantly coming and going, there's not a 9 in the bunch! Sorry if I'm being sexist but I think they have a standard lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
I've been summoned to Washington state for facetime at the plant so I'll probably go first week of May. We (sales) were forbidden to come during the pandemic Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Im going to Raleigh Tuesday, gotta blow the dust off the luggage! First flight since January 2020. Im getting my second Pfizer on 4/12 and headed to Florida 4/15 so im hoping all side effects are done by then
I spoke to our former exchange student in Spain and her grandparents still dont have a shot, theyre in their 90s. Her mom has had the first because shes a school teacher. We seem way ahead of them
The Pres is not happy that you have a crowd there lol. Go back to bed Joe. Our most vulnerable are vaccinated, 100% against death/hospitalization. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro