before i got into hunting, (this incident is why i got into it) i was in the woods with my video camera to try and film some wildlife. I had a doe walk about 20 ft from me, she saw me as i was on the ground, she stomped flagged and ran back the way she came. not 5 mins later that doe and 5 others came back to me on the same route and one foolish doe literally walked within an arms length of me. i could have reached out and slapped her. (i would like to give all the credit to Wildlife Research Center's Scent Killer on this one as i just bought a bottle and sprayed myself down head to toe inside and out). lets just say i was motionless standing in the middle of a tractor path and she didnt smell me until on top of me, all the while downwind of me. then she jumped back and trotted to the other does 30 ft away throwing no warnings. it wasnt until then that they threw up the flags and hissed.
but unlike the usual trend of backtracking after being spooked, these doe continued on their way in the direction they were headed to begin with and not in any hurry either. Same thing happened yesterday in the stand after a doe smelled me and got down wind of me. (luckily they just threw flags) but her and her friends continued on the same direction they were headed to begin with before winding me.
so i dont know what to think as far as what to expect when a doe winds you or you spook them. i think a lot of factors play into it though as to how they will react.