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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by phade

  1. I have a cheap, but good value blackflash camera. It is relatively new to the market, called the Scoutguard 520. It is tiny! I already have a few of these and this particular camera was tested in my back yard for two nights. Otherwise it is brand new. It is a great cam for someone not looking to spend a lot of money, but would like a serviceable blackflash camera. Will sell for $70 shipped. Here is the review for it from my pursuitoutdoors.com website (pics are on that site, too for reference): Scoutguard 520 (SG520) - Initial Findings This is BMC's latest offering for 2016 to compete in the "entry" level price-point.The MSRP is $79.99. It is a "blackflash" camera with 940nm illuminators. In fact, it only has four...four. That's a big variation from the number of illuminators seen on most cameras today; however, light output has been solid out to 30 feet and starts to get challenging at 40. For the pricepoint and blackflash, this is acceptable performance. It is a 12MP camera, with 5MP being the native resolution. It also offers 720p HD videos. The day pictures reflect other BMC cameras with usable picture clarity - you won't win any photography competitions - but they are servicable. Night pictures show surprising clarity with minimal burn on close-up images. Light at the edges of the frame can be better; however, many cameras of higher pricepoints battle this challenge, too. Videos are usable, but are not a strength of the camera. The camera doesn't seem to miss much if any action, the sensor is matched well with its sensing area and trigger speed of 1 second. If anything, the camera can be too sensitive during daytime, as each day tends to have a few false triggers, more when hot, windy days occur. Still, it is not excessive. The camera has delay settings as low as 10 seconds for triggering. With this being the lowest delay, it is not competitive in this category with the more expensive cameras on the market; however, it is comparative to others in the price range. Battery life has been acceptable, even moreso when considering that it only takes four AA batteries. You should expect several thousand photos on a set of alkaline before needing to swap them out. The camera body is well designed, with a viewing screen on the front to select settings and review images. The screen is small and will not give alot of detail, but it can be used to check the camera picture frame when setting it to ensure you are not cutting off heads of deer by mounting too low. The camera buttons are all on the outside, preventing the need to open the camera to check pictures or change settings. This is a fantastic design because it prevents rain from getting into the camera when it is being "checked" during humid or rainy weather. It has a tripod mount on the back to use screw-in mounts and avoid the telltale strap. Overall, this camera is the smallest on the market. It is solid green, but hides well due to its size. It is smaller than the palm of a adult man. In closing, this camera is initially showing potential to be one of the best budget cams on the market in a very long time. It is perfect for high risk areas or public land. It hides well, triggers reliably, and is blackflash. There isn't anything like it on the market right now. While it won't "Wow" a trail camera enthusiast, the value for the dollar spent is immense. This rates as a buy.
  2. Which page? The home page? It should be a title bar at the top, with a large box showcasing pics, then four pics below with snippets of the site's goals.
  3. No - not related to the TV show at all. I bought the rights to that domain a decade ago before I had even heard of that network. They offered to buy the site from me about 5 years ago, but their best offer was laughable. I've actually been approached by three groups to buy that domain and in each case the offer wasn't worthwhile. I figure the website name is pretty catchy, so it'll be easy for people to remember. I am exploring options for selling cameras. The cams I offered before were through connections I had. While there was nothing nefarious going on, I wasn't retailing them in any official capacity. I do not have a mobile platform set up, so that was why I was hoping people could see the site. Once I finalize the accounts I will retail, I'll probably transition the site to a different builder that is more catered to retail/shopping cart transactions.
  4. Thank you all for checking. Appreciate it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I am not a web designer...so bear with me. Also, hope this is the right section. Just wondering if it pulls up. www.pursuitoutdoors.com.
  6. phade

    EAB Proposed

    Legalizing the crossbow will cause the populations in these wmus to be in check? It does nothing to solve property access. Not one thing. The very basic thought process to rationalize that reasoning is probably the same that caused you to shoot a deer at a distance longer than you practiced with your crossbow and then post about it a billion times like it was destiny and perfectly acceptable. Scary. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Right around 5-6 cams per property that we hunt. But, I've never had such little time available for scouting in my life, so the cams will have to pick up some of the slack this year. July-Sept should be better for me, but post-season and pre-green up scouting was practically impossible with work. The more painful part is that is alot of money, lol. The wife and I have been discussing a getaway vacation since we've been so busy. I didn't want to draw attention to the five Spartans sitting beside me on the couch that would have paid for a Caribbean cruise for two.
  8. Jan-Mar is pretty lean, I'll only have 5-6 cams out then. April I will set cams for turkey, but once June hits...it is on. 20+ cams are out at the moment.
  9. phade


    This one cracked me up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I've picked up a few more of these cams and they're really where the bar is set for cell/data cams right now. Rechargable AA with the solar panel worked out well.
  11. phade


    The memes where the guy trolled women on plenty of fish was hilarious - it has to be 5-6 years old, but nobody has topped that one yet. Wish I could find it. I believe it started on a bodybuilding forum.
  12. I see what you did there.
  13. Set it in dry rice overnight as precaution if you can, to pull any internal moisture out.
  14. Grow - you can pay someone to plot for you at that income rate
  15. $90k/yr is pretty intense money. Good luck investigating. If it turns out legit - that'd be hard to turn down that kind of income generation for that parcel size.
  16. Moultrie doesn't have a history of case leaks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Decent for a cheap cam, pics are lit OK at night, but the re-trigger time is hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhorrrrrrrrrrrrendous.
  18. There's a new cam model coming out, called ;flsakhdf;lkjsadh gf;lkjahsdflkjasdhlkjhdflasjhflaskjhdf. They also have a blackflash version called s'gldjfgoisufoixscuvoiwjenc;lkqm wf;lkjdf;lkjhdskfljdsm';lkfjsal;kdfjhklasjfkl;dsaj Elite.
  19. dark ops HD is 2015 FHD models for recon and spec ops are 2015 FHD Elite models are 2016. No idea why they can name cams a little easier....lol
  20. That is the 2014 model - not quite the cam the 2015/2016 versions are.
  21. Recon Force and Spec Ops IMO are more geared toward video use - Strike Force and Dark Ops more for pic use. Vids in the Strike Force are pretty good, but the vids from the Recon Force are close to setting the bar image quality wise. The pics from that cam, however, are well below the Strike Force's quality.
  22. Maybe I missed something, but didn't you ask the same question about 12 hours earlier on another thread?
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