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Everything posted by phade

  1. Taco's are way more expensive than the Colorado's right? I'd be leery of first model year runs for the Colorado - usually that first year they have to iron out issues found in the real world.
  2. Appreciate the responses. We'll see how it turns out. Haven't heard back from him since yesterday midday.
  3. No SIM card was provided to him. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. They told him no-go. Covert is pretty strict with their warranty time limits now - which is two years as of this model year.
  5. It was a private sale for $175. It'd be a no-brainer for me if it were a week or two later, but I sold it in good working order right up until boxing. Two months have elapsed - the cam went to Alaska. I struggle with whether I am being taken advantage of or whether this guy is legit.
  6. Would you buy a used cellular electronic item (for a decent amount of coin) and not check it out for two months?
  7. We've already tried everything - most likely the contacts where the card go into the cam are toast, preventing the cam from reading a card. That's typical of water damage, however. At this point, I am struggling with him asking for a full refund two months after the transaction. He says he never touched it until this weekend. I am not trying to steer this thread as I want some objective feedback.
  8. Need some feedback - hemming and hawing at best course of action. Not a transaction from this site. Sold a cell cam two months ago (Mid Feb) - used Code Black (three years old) along with a battery extender. I threw in an SD card and set the cam up for the buyer without including it in the initial "for sale" post. Sent a confirmation pic to ensure it worked fine and mailed it off. Even sent a confirmation of the At&T showing the photo was texted to his phone. Fast forward to yesterday and I get a PM asking for help with the cam as the SD card is showing locked. I troubleshoot it with a few ideas, but to no avail. Suggested he call in to the manufacturer for more ideas and they determine it's terminal. Buyer now wants a full refund. He tells me he hasn't used the camera until just this weekend. What say you? What is fair?
  9. If 95 percent of hunters say they report tags vs 40 percent the DEC states, it doesn't get much more polar than that. There's something profoundly evident-either the DEC says people are lying, or the DEC is guessing. Plus - running a pole is different than running a poll. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. These reports rarely generate answers and closure for me. It typically generates more questions. I am curious to see how the DEC responds to their DMP allocations this year, targets, etc.
  11. You do have to admit that the survey results do differ from what the DEC has said in many of their disclosures. Methodology imperfections aside, the results are so far different in some of those categories that it does raise valid questions.
  12. The strike force elite is getting rave reviews. That is a 2016 model. The btc5hd is also good, but people are saying the new one is an illumination adjusting pic taking machine.
  13. The 2016 Strike Force Elite is getting some rave reviews. I want to buy one but try to steer away from red flash when I can. Black Flash models - some people complain about the night pic quality, but some people love them just as is. Browning IMO is on the way to leading the commercial cam pack - not saying they are perfect, but they're definitely working their way up.
  14. I think some of you need to relax. It's just a TV show. They have value for me - whether I deem entertainment or informative or both. I'm certainly not whining when I'm on hour 20 of working that day and then need to catch a flight home - and then settle into my plane seat and turn on an episode of HB or Midwest Whitetails, or a podcast to unwind and think about the fun things I do when I am not working. Sometimes I think you guys just overthink too much. A bunch of squawking old ladies at the Bingo parlor...
  15. I get critiqued for wearing modern-day color dress shirts (bright colors) at work. I was told I needed to buy white dress shirts or light blue, etc. Eventually...results overcame that. Now I'll be talking in front of 60 other leaders in 20 minutes and I'm donning a plaid neon pink/black/white dress shirt. So to tie it back - if the message is clear, the survey is what it is. I did find it strange that ~95% said they report their used tags but DEC documents a much lower percentage.
  16. Unsupervised 12 y/o with rifles out hunting? Pretty much commonplace across several parts of the nation and no measurable detriment to safety. The safest people tend to be the ones mentored and the ones who recently took the hunter's ed course (12 y/os). Unlike most hunters on this site - I cut my teeth in a state where we didn't have these restrictions and the fear-mongering is so far off the mark its not even funny. I moved to NY at a time where I had already been hunting for several years, ran point on dog running (with the warden's personal dogs no less), and then had to sit out an entire season of deer hunting in NY because I was too young according to the Nancies in charge. Give me a break Doc.
  17. If a hunter taking that survey was around one either properties (either DMAP or Nuisance), they are much more likely to observe impacts. The other is the fear of the unknown - if one hears of a farm with either nearby or next door, they are likely to attribute observations to this causation, whether correct or not.
  18. I've never been a Sam Adams fan, but every once in a while they put out a good brew. They own a lot of craft options. Cold Snap however, is freaking delicious. It is pretty common when its in season, so that is nice. I am in Indy tonight so I'll be dranking up my fair share of craft beers.
  19. I am much more accurate freehand with my compound than I am with an xbow. On a rest, different scenario, obviously. Compound all the way. I screwed the pooch on a shot last season, but that's pretty rare with my bow (knock on wood).
  20. PS. What kind of person doesn't realize there is a difference between a shut down and a thread being put in the proper sub-forum so it doesn't clog up the recent topics list that many people use. Basic civility should be expected and VJP consistently pushes political agendas anywhere and everywhere on this site in face of the rules of the road. This whole thread has been nothing but political and it's a shame because we're on a hunting site.
  21. The crossbow is not the savior to controlling deer numbers. That is a very narrow expectation for an implement.
  22. Some of the responsibility is on the taxi - but a lot of people fail to realize that most of this is on the hunter - they should cape it as quick as possible, especially in early season. The bucks I shoot are always caped within a very short timeframe. The old buck I shot on Oct. 1 in 55 degree weather a few seasons ago....we caped the thing right then and there in the field in the darkness, and got it on ice. No way was I letting an early season cape slip.
  23. I rest my case - politics. Now we're in general chat under the hunting hierarchy and even you and me have noted left and right ideology.
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