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Everything posted by phade

  1. You overlook the fact that talking about this doesn't follow any of this hierarchy (unlike lead free ammo): Hunting New York - NY Empire State Hunting Forum - Bow Hunting, Fishing, Bear, Deer → Main → General Chit Chat
  2. I think there are a fair amount of right-thinking people who are anti-fracking. Most of them that I know are in the "not in my backyard" mindset.
  3. Seems like a great topic...for the Politics section. Heck, even the second word in the linked article is "politicians."
  4. The DEC is responsible for alot and accountable for very little to the hunter. I do believe this in part drives the apathy. Culver is 100% right, however, that there should be more engagement from hunters on many levels, me included. My observation is that It is simply a challenge many feel defeated on before they even start, and it drives the results we get to live with. It is what it is. The very basis of our issue is the control of management (I am speaking of the components the gov't manages). It is outside the public's ability to hold the people who make decisions accountable. Sure we can provide input - but that is it. What happens if the masses believe we don't have the right people in the job? What recourse is there? Write and provide input? Been there, done that, and voting is probably the most impactful based on the way the department is led. Again, done that. From my understanding, the DEC admitted that populations this past season were lower for many of the areas they thought "overrun" or even at capacity due to the back to back poor winters. I have posted about this concern early in 2015 as being a potential repeat of the season 10-12 years ago where deer numbers plummeted. While we thankfully didn't have it happen at that level (lucky we had the winter we did, too), it still happened to a lesser degree. The DEC's response that the population regenerates in a few generations is true and I very much understand it, but I find it questionable practice to allow it to happen in the first place when all data points to that happening. These are in large the same people who allowed the fiasco 10-12 years ago with the over-issue of the DMPs/antlerless/damage tags. Sure, trigger restraint is on the hunter. But, where is that line drawn with wide-scale mismanagement of the resource by those paid to do so? Yet, here they remain, entrenched in their jobs and even given praise for their body of work, and specifically by QDMA staffers for their data collection methods (just observations, not stating my opinion on whether they were warranted or not). These are also largely the same people who contracted with the vendor for the tag system 10-12 years ago that allowed hunters to apply for WMUs where tags were not allowed, thus wasting a selection. Even worse was the fact that when Joe Bob retail associate screwed up the selection the hunter wanted, there was no recourse except for a drawn out communication process that took weeks to resolve. And, a litany of other imperfections. These same DEC people contracted another vendor a few years back, after learning their lesson the first time, didn't fix either of these issues in the second contract/product, and basically boxed themselves in during requirements gathering, which now prevents them from managing a priority as they ID it (doe management) because of the "system." A priority that was well known and ranked high on their list at the time of that second contract, yet completely ignored when in the requirements phase of the vehicle they would need to 100% rely on. There's plenty of other examples, but these are two that I believe are signs of mismanagement of the resource by those in position. One of these people in position was even purported as "having his head up his azz" by someone in this very thread and I believe he is spot on, yet that person in position remains entrenched. None of these people are in jeopardy of their livelihood. I wish I had that luxury in private sector. Responsible for a lot and accountable for very little.
  5. An excuse that represents precisely how inaction takes place in gov't agencies. Point fingers around in a circle and blame it on a inanimate object ultimately. We can't manage because of our "system." Scapegoating at its finest. Doe management is a priority for the DEC as evidenced by their actions, yet they bank on inaction due to a system, and demonstrate in the box thinking constraints. Let's not forget, someone is responsible for the system - it just isn't creating boundaries on its own free will. As to turnout, I figured less than 100 people would be there anyhow because it was mostly educational and I suspect many people were unaware of it - I read quite a few FB posts this morning from people in the area in response to someone who attended and most didn't know it was going on, and some of these people I believe I have seen at the QDMA banquet or the field days, or know people who are in the chapter. Compare it to the DEC driven town hall meetings 10 years ago when they were jamming the MZ in bow season, and there were standing room only crowds and people literally threatening Batchellor's life (this was when he was still w/furbearer management, too). People were turned away from attending at the door. Then add in Spring Break and the excuses go on and on.
  6. How was it? I heard turnout was 50-60 people? Wish I could have went, but no go.
  7. Frost seeding is a great option. Challenges with it are competition from grasses and broadleaves, requiring other means of soil prep or herbicide control. If you don't have a lot of broadleaf competition and mostly grasses, Arrow 2EC is worth a buy. Frost seed and blast the plot area with Arrow as the grasses appear and are still short (2-4 inches). It'll kill off the grasses and give the clover a chance to really establish a root.
  8. basic medium red and ladino or alice white. I would invest in a quality sprayer - if you are doing it all by hand you can get functional plots (not necessarily photogenic) with timely sprayings of glyphosate and then some seeding of winter rye or brassicas and some basic top dressing of fertilizer. People get hung up on how pretty plots need to be. I've seen some pretty ugly plots - including the one me and Moog did last year, that I've got a fair number of deer on cam munching away.
  9. Woof, trespasser galore. Clover is cheap...might even be worth doing a spray and throw in July/August for some fall attraction on the open line area.
  10. https://www.facebook.com/newyorktrailcameras/videos/975784672488834/ Wish it was during daytime, but eh, oh well. Speakers up.
  11. Doubt it was a sign post rub based on the fact that this year is the first year it was rubbed. Maybe it is turning into one, but maybe not. Love seeing the trees with old rubs opened up year after year.
  12. The onx maps is nice because it allows use for the majority of the state and the convenience factor as opposed to various county GIS and cross-reference sites. It is worth the lowly $20-30/yr. I bought mine at Harrisburg for $20. Don't see how someone can say its too costly vs, the value proposition. My time saved in one session of searching for owners is worth that alone - not including the other benefits of the app.
  13. Would love to be there, but not going to get a pass from the wife on our anniversary. Bah.
  14. I'd be at the doctor's and getting a course as a preventative measure.
  15. 63049 Model. Used lightly, works fine. Simple cam to use. HD vid and audio. Comes with extra battery pack to increase field life, although I don't think it is necessary as these cams get very good battery life. $65 Shipped TYD COUS.
  16. Ha, not close to me, but I'd be all over it. I own more card than cams, naturally.
  17. The laser is pretty neat, but I was surprised at the amount of adjustment it took. I'm not the best shot with handguns for some reason, which didn't help shorten that process. I do think the trigger pull on it is kind of "clunky."
  18. Grab them and flip - You could get $25-30 if you got 3 of the regular size SD cards...class 10 32gb.
  19. His wife will be decorating it.
  20. I have been working so much I don't even know what chores I haven't done in my house.
  21. I don't think there is much street cred in noting that Ethan Allen accomplishment on a site like this. I also don't think she was the only one who picked the furniture, lol.
  22. My Aunt works for Publix as a manager - not a store manager, but a manager of loss prevention and front-end (think the customer service desk) for a particular area (5-6 stores). She out-earns me 1.5:1 in base pay and her incentive comp is off the charts. Don't get me wrong, she has a demanding and impactful role. From a comparison, I do OK with about 65 FT employees and leaders who report to me, not including another 80 that I co-manage, in a $3B/yr. corporation. Her total compensation package distances me just shy of 2:1 in a given year. Granted she is in FL, but not in an area where cost of living difference is dramatic. Grocery store careers are not necessarily paying peanuts. She soared past 100k many years ago - and without getting into specifics...it's not even close to 100k.
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