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Everything posted by phade

  1. Let me know if you want it. For the money, its a good cam. Would rather sell here. I have it listed on AT, where there is a 40 page thread on this cam and the deal that it is. It'll go fast.
  2. Brand New, box opened to inspect, never used. $40 shipped CO US. I bought 6 of these but really only needed 5, but they were sold in pairs when I bought. HD vids. Here are some pics from the other cams to give an example.
  3. gly resistance is a big trend nowadays. Also people continually hammer away at the big M and the cancer/health risks, etc. etc. etc. Probably why Cleth is gone in NY. Has a 30 day graze wait.
  4. Don't even get me started on that d-bag.
  5. I may unload a cam or two to offset. 17 cams...good number but not the highest I've ever been.
  6. Buy the Brownings, that's my opinion on the Spypoint cams. Spypoints are a decent cam, but they don't do anything great. The G4/Eclypse/BF6 can be had for some deals, but they're just OK at most things. Not bad, just not really getting a cam that can do things good or great - such as re-arming times or illumination distance. The 2015 models...underdeliver and are overpriced.
  7. These are good buys - the 8 takes really good vids. The 6 is a better all-around pic/vid cam, but is 720p and has ever so slightly longer trigger/rearming. The day vids on the 8 are unreal and really good for night. Pics are washed out in day for some reason on this cam, but if I bought that it'd be a vid only...refires in less than two seconds after completing a video recording.
  8. I bet people on ebay will probably still sell and ship it, lol.
  9. Is there a law or reg change online that can be read. Not sure of the reasoning behind it.
  10. Pellet lime is on sale at tsc for $3 a bag...that's a 25% discount right now. Buy it up.
  11. Cleth is so useful because it controls grass weeds that can outcompete young plants in clover and brassica plots. It doesn't do anything to broadleafs, but its not often broadleafs impact a plot so much that it cannot get started. Having a handful of broadleaf weeds in a plot really are not an issue in many cases...we're not farmers, and often many of the broadleafs are weeds that deer actually utilize. Cleth does help maintain clover, I think it adds a year or two onto a clover plot's lifespan.Eventually though it gets into diminishing returns because established clover just fixes N into the soil and eventually the grasses feed off of that stuff like steroids and you have a losing battle. I really hope cleth isn't being outlawed for use. That would stink.
  12. Mixing radish in w/turnips is a strategy often used by manager larger outfitters or land managers. Alot of people believe it helps deer eat the brassicas in year 1 rather than a potentially longer learning curve.
  13. Order from keystone or rural king and have it shipped. Usually the best prices anyway.
  14. I sure as heck hope not....Cleth is probably the second most valuable tool in plotting to me after Round-Up. A little late to be spraying cleth, that stuff does much better on growing plants because that is how it kills (forces the plant leaves into overdrive essentially causing the roots to have a heart attack and die). It'll probably take a good 30 days for a kill off and might not be great at this time of year. It'll work, but definitely nothing like a spring application on a clover plot. We just sprayed cleth but it was on sod that has regenerated after discing, so its actively growing.
  15. Hancock usually has deals with free shipping on some seeds. Order 5lbs of daikon radish and 5lbs of buckbuster rape (athena) for $30 or so shipped. Didn't have to make a drive to get it. I wish Turner would run better hours...8-5 M-F sucks. Sure they are open Saturdays, but that's time to work on plots, not go buy the stuff. Wish they were open later during the week.
  16. Deer and then turkey simply because of the feeling/experience I get with one approaching and the sense of accomplishment that comes with punching those tags. Squirrel is fun, but it never provides the adrenaline dump. I enjoy it for different reasons. Not big into duck/goose but that is probably due to the overlap with deer hunting being a focus. Pheasant hunting with a dog seems like something I would enjoy, just never have had a chance to pursue it, especially knowing the commitment it takes to have a good bird dog.
  17. Yes, many state agencies have fish and game or fish and wildlife separations. Some states even have inland fish and game and marine separations.
  18. My peppers are popping already. Cant believe it. Hot is nice for a change.
  19. Which makes places like Darfur and elsewhere today even more troubling that it goes on with no recourse. Info flows fast yet humans still find a way to be human.
  20. Yep..i agree. Weve talked about it havent we...lol.
  21. Thats great and all but thats not the point and has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand. The point is a gun season in bow doesnt require an orange mandate or reg rewrite based on the fact bowhunting is legal without orange during the gun season right now. There is no barrier to implementing gun season in bow and there wont be, so enjoy 2015 if you hunt in units syracuse and west.
  22. What place east of the MS or reasonable midwest states (meaning sustainable) offer draws for whitetails at state level or per WMU? I do believe that total is zero, and probably for good reason.
  23. The 5 and 7 models are sold out and back to regular pricing. Both black flash models still available at discount pricing. Video only...go w the 8. Pics and vids, go w 6.
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