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Everything posted by phade

  1. Very cool. At first I thought to myself that it'd be cooler to get Dad the ol' shoulder mount done instead, but the fact you did the euro probably means more.
  2. Sometimes the weather and conditions dictate the best possible planting rather than our best planning. Sounds like you are dealing with prolific weeds that will still put energy into seeding after mowing or late germination. A hot does of Gly in my mind is probably best because of the weather outlook, a little bit of rain still in the mix and some mix of warm sunny weather. It'll help the plant uptake the gly and start the wilt process. Certain weeds will race to seed, but if you apply now, there's a chance you'll be fine depending on where the seed heads are in development. Mowing them, if they are close to being ready, or discing....probably does just as much damage as doing nothing, except giving them a clean bed to start to grow on, and you'll be back in a few weeks with the same issue. If most of your weeds are grass based, I'd probably plant something that will survive a following clethodim spray in mid/late August.
  3. True story. If you are real good, the lungs are halfway gone and out of the cavity before you even use a knife to open the hide.
  4. Precisely. Funnels will be more likely to take advantage of transient deer or deer who travel through but don't bed on the property. Bedding areas are not high frequency hunt spots. You can do it here and there at most, but after a while it becomes a deer desert after overhunting. Funnels take advantage of physical travel routes rather than the deer sign. Sort of like hunting the terrain in hill country rather than the deer sign.
  5. I know a guy who literally just rips the stuff out. Seriously. It's like a horror movie.
  6. I have a half dozen of these cams. Every one clicks. Lots of people reporting the click. Its the IR filter. The IQ of the cam is off and its light metering isnt precise, causing alot of pics moving back and forth at transition. Each is an audible click. Be careful of using vids on this cam. The lack of delay causes power delivery issues when using alkalines. Youll see this in vids where the IR array isnt firing.
  7. Seeded the rape on Saturday. Will add the radish this Friday. Should time out well.
  8. wooly has it right with the hooves...also...believe it or not...teeth from other deer.
  9. Any water around? That's always worth getting a cam up on in July and August. Creek crossings, or slow moving creeks/ponds/puddles for drinking.
  10. This is a pic of a pic of the Trace...I hate doing that, but whatever. This buck is literally on the edge of the flash range right around 30 feet. It required adjusting some of the contrast in the pic to grab his antlers. at 35 feet at this spot, I probably would not have even seen him. Again, decent cam for the money, but not one I would want to entrust my season to, if that is understandable.
  11. Academy sports has the Trace for $39.99 now on their site. Don't fool yourselves thinking this is a great cam, but it is a good cam for the money. It has an audible click, no delay, and night range isn't great. I have 6 of them for high risk areas or areas where I can cover the sound (say a creek). I lucked out and bought most of mine @ 2 for $59 shipped. Should have bought more just to have since they its pretty much a throw away cost.
  12. Ebay right now. Browning cams are pretty trendy right now. Deals are rare.
  13. Use this as a chance to ditch the strap. Move to a screw in mount.
  14. If you are right handed and shooting to your right at 90 degrees, see how much movement it takes vs. shooting to your left at 90 degrees. Make sense?
  15. I know not everyone agrees, but when the red fox start disappearing Grow, that's when you really need to worry about yotes. I've seen greys co-habitate, but that's largely a difference in defense mechanisms from red fox.
  16. 10 stands? If I told my wife I only had 10 stands, she'd probably laugh and call me a liar. If you only have one stand to set and won't be moving it - place it in a position that allows for the most huntable winds/thermals and access/exit points. Ideally, a funnel or transition zone. Sort of a best of a worst case scenario I guess.
  17. For mass produced options...the Barnes seems like a deer's worst nightmare. Moog shoots them and the damage done is unreal.
  18. Shockwaves are SSTs made by Hornady I believe. The sabot might be the difference there.
  19. They work fine. Accurate, readily available, and relatively cheap. Been shooting them for a long time. They're just not a "sexy" ML option. Doesn't expand all that great in my experience, but it goes where I point it and the deer die pretty cleanly.
  20. For a dedicated video cam... I'd be looking at specifically the 2015 Browning cams (not 2014). Only downfall as mentioned are the 10 second night time limit (set the day to the time you want, but night vids are 10 seconds). Also, 32gb limit....cams won't accept 64gb. The ten second limit is a battery power saver - the cams stay armed after triggering to speed up the recovery process - which the higher end Brownings have UNREAL trigger and recovery times. It's a trade I'd gladly make. Their blackflash pics suck imo, but for a video cam...solid. Avoid primos if you like sound. Avoid Bushnells, their blackflash vids still aren't up to par on the 2015 models, even after big improvements. Stealth's G42 takes good vids, but is a battery eater, and has massive file sizes, and some sensing issues. When it works...it works well, though. Moultrie's 2015 line seem OK. Not great, not bad...just OK. There really isn't a black flash cam that's perfect for vids/sound right now. Kind of shocked a company hasn't nailed it yet. I like my Black 60 night vids, but they can be short due to power consumption and only 720p. Slower trigger and recovery times, too. Browning is probably top of the heap for vids at the moment. If you are not worried about black flash...the 2015 Recon Force and Strike Force is fan-freaking tastic. If they could slap 940nm ir emitters on those cams...i'd be pretty darn happy. Evidence is starting to show that they use multi spot metering in night pics to adjust the cam picture rather than center weighted average. (this is what creates night shots worth a darn). Model #s are BTC-5HD and BTC7FHD. Be specific about that...2014 model #s are similar, but different.
  21. Rider will be fine. Bear was well known locally.
  22. lol creative but no. Gotta keep some things secret! You dont tell us how you sniff out all of those sheds!
  23. Deer are stacking on growth. Bucks we got photos of on july 5th and then yesterday added ALOT of growth in a mere 4-5 days. And thats just by the small text size images we get. This is the best velvet time to get them on cam imo. The difference a few days makes is astounding.
  24. I will be getting cams 11, 12, 13, and 14 out tomorrow.
  25. Interests also change too. Plenty of sites and forums just go downhill as that interest wains from the ownership and admin/mods. There are mods that aren't posting near as often as they used to. It's the broken car window in a nice neighborhood paradigm....a slippery slope.
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