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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by brownclown

  1. you are right only "law enforcement" can. Us regular folk can only kill cats 1. Any person over the age of twenty-one years possessing a hunting license may, and environmental conservation officers and peace officers, acting pursuant to their special duties, or police officers shall humanely destroy cats at large found hunting or killing any protected wild bird or with a dead bird of any protected species in its possession. 2. Every environmental conservation officer, forest ranger and member of the state police may kill any dog (a) pursuing or killing deer within the Adirondack or Catskill parks, at any time;  (b) pursuing or killing any game or wildlife on a state-owned game farm or wildlife refuge;  or (c) pursuing or killing any game or wildlife on a state-owned or leased wildlife management area, except a dog being legally used for hunting small game or for dog training. 3. Every park patrolman, park ranger and member of the state police, county police and town police may kill any dog pursuing or killing deer within any state park or state park reservation at any time. 4. At any time (a) any environmental conservation officer, dog warden, forest ranger or member of the state police, anywhere in the state, (b) any member of any town police within the limits of the town of which such member is an officer, (c) any member of the Westchester County Parkway police on any park, parkway or reservation owned or controlled by the county of Westchester or (d) any member of a police force or department of any county, city, town or village in which such member has jurisdiction and is regularly employed may kill any dog pursuing or killing deer and any coyote killing a domestic animal. 5. No action for damages shall lie against any authorized person for the killing of a cat, dog or coyote as provided in this section.
  2. isnt it legal to shoot a dog if it harassing game? Not that in way i support the idea. I'm a HUGE dog lover and would be pissed if my hunt was ruined by a dog chasing deer but could never conceive of doing this. And if i was the owner the person better hope i dont find them. good points brought up here already with tht eangle of shot and feild point use. bet this was a dog hating neighbor tired of the dealing with the "malfunctioning" invisible fence.
  3. i just started running 2 of the cabelas this year. i think they were on sale for about a 110$. I bought them for the warranty . I have had several cameras from several makers and have had issues with just about all (wildgame, browning, primos)of them even when buying the step up from lowest priced , averaging about 125 per cam.. I have also bought and used brownings strike force i have 5 of them and have great luck with some yet others need to go back. you would think being the same model they would have the same "quality" but they seem to be hit or miss. I do however run them year round so that may be part of the problem. I bought them from trailcampro.com because they offer an additional year warranty if purchased from them. They have been great in honoring it as well. They also do some great reviews. So far i have mixed reviews with the Cabelas the one i have on the field edge takes numerous pictures of grass and branches blowing in the wind, even after lowing from normal to low sensitivity. the other in the more wooded area doesnt have that issue. Another annoyance is when saving the settings you have to confirm all of them anytime you want to change one or they go back to default. for example if you want to change from 1 to 3 pics you need change that one plus sensitivity, quality, delay, MP, video ,Etc. etc. . i have been happy with the picture quality so far but have only checked cards from them once so need more time. Even though they arent my favorite a Lifetime for a camera is worth the trade offs IMO.
  4. the glendel have a 2 sided inserts . one side indicates where you should make a heart shot from and elevated stand at 20yrds and the other is strait on. This isnt where the vitals are located but where you should aim from that position.
  5. i use gps on phone app to find one stand. its about a 20 min hike through the woods. I can get there pretty good just from having done the route a few times and instinct but every now and then i need to turn on gps for a few seconds to get my bearings. i know this still lights up but could camouflage the screen(ie view inside a jacket or something).
  6. im relativity new to the sport myself , however have only hunted deer. I cant help you with turkey but wanted to share a link to public land. We have a ton in our area NY DEP access.
  7. thanks for pointing out what to research. again it wasn't meant to be judging. i was asking from an ignorant point of view, under the belief numbers were low and under constant threat from poachers. i really have no knowledge of them other then the National Geographic stuff on their intelligence and morning dead type stuff.
  8. just my opinion but i had been a long time rage user having switched last year after having both blades break off. i was using rage hypodermics . My poor shot was primarily gut and rib having contacted nothing else. No significant bone contact of any sort yet both blades were broken off. i posted about this at the time and have several replies from others who had similar experiences. I have switched to Grim reaper carni four. and feel much more confident. They fly great out 2 50yrds (max i tested) and have no worries of them failing to open as lots report from Rage. i did lots of research on the grim reapers and have had a friend using them for years. he uses the 3 blade style primarily the white tail model and the holes are ridiculous.
  9. im trying not to be judging by why a juvenile elephant? i was under the impression that there numbers were low "endangered". But i really know nothing on actual populations and regional differences.
  10. thanks. I guess i need to play around with this. I knew differences in height could effect pin choice but wasn't aware that it could effect shots the are close to parallel. I typically have my stands high so making a double lung shot at under 10yrds in not a shot i consider ethical. it is just too likely to only hit one lung so i have never taken shots any closer. My ideal range is 15 to 40 but deer don't always follow expectations or hopes. lol . glad i read this and will be practicing tonight.
  11. in this case you are only addressing the "slobs" who are currently hunting with the bow (which i admit is probably higher then i would hope). I think most who are against full inclusion are much more concerned about all the new "slobs" who otherwise wouldn't be in the woods will be now. Granted i agree with if they are going to be or currently hunting now i rather them be there with a xbow. But from my experience there are way , way less people in the woods during bow then gun. I believe that is primarily because of the difficulty in effectively/successfully harvesting a deer via a bow. This would not be the case with full xbow inclusion.
  12. this use of an a 30-40 yrd pin at 5yrds, is this for when shooting from a stand or only at relatively equal hunter target levels?
  13. sorry live on border with ct and was think of ct. Yes anyone can where it at any time but most dont during bow but will for gun. My point was simply that gun hunting has much higher accidental shooting percentages. I feel one of the contributing factors to the increase is people dont take the time to clearly identify targets and shoot reflexively because all that is required is to pull a trigger.
  14. Well that is one reason hunter orange is required in gun season and not bow. Me personally i try to hunt private land only at those times or Hunt bow only areas. i make sure i wear the orange and despite the extra effort often find my self in a climbing stand to avoid being on the ground. Im not sure what could be done, it makes no sense to me ever taking a shot unless 100 percent confident but you cant fix stupid.
  15. No. My objections to full inclusion used to be that primarily based on my feeling that Xbows gave an unfair advantage. Although i still feel that way but to a much lesser extent, my main objection is safety. I don't want someone to be able to discharge a weapon by simply pulling a trigger. At least with a bow you have to draw (hopefully clearly identify vitals and know whats beyond your target as well) that process delays reflexes and requires a conscious thought process. Beyond my comprehension, obviously people still get accidentally shot with a bow but compared to accidental gun/hunting accidents the numbers just don't compare. When you start extending ranges, limiting vision and field of view reckless people simply need to pull a trigger. There are just to many out there that shoot at sounds, deer like objects or obscured and partially hidden "deer". Xbows are just too much like having a gun in bow season IMO.
  16. Thanks. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  17. Do any of you that hunt , hunt a property that requires you to have insurance? I am trying to get a quote but am having difficulty finding anyone who offers coverage. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  18. Congrats on joining the bow hunting ranks. I'm also primarliy a 3n hunter for much of my hunting and when lucky get to join some friends in 3s. One of those properties are in Yorktown and would pick Westchester 9 out of 10 times for deer numbers , sightings and size. As with all properties cams and initial scouting don't always show everything especially when your learning new spots. Put in the time especially near seeking rut phase. I can't believe some of the bruiser that pass through these small suburban locations. We see lots of deer in person at this location that may never show on cam , not being "residents" . Your results may vary because despite both being located in Yorktown small distances can be a world of differnce but I wouldn't write it based on your initial inspection. And if you need anyone to verify this spots potential I'm avaiable. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  19. I agree. Unfortunately it is the only place I have permission for so to lose it will be devastating. I'm trying to walk a fine line of making it happen without being annoying and hence just not worth the effort . Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  20. That will be my next step. He said to give him a few weeks to look into things. Do any of you have personal liability coverage for hunting permission reasons? Another place I saw on Craigslist I was looking into leasing had that requirement. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  21. He does. He is the one that said despite the statute saying property owners are protected from liability, it actually fairly limited in the protections it offers. At least according to what he researched in the past. I was hoping to find something, current and specific proving property owners are protected . I'm really trying to make it hassle free for him. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  22. Thanks. I know it says they are protected but is anyone familiar with limitations other than the ones outlined in the statute? From my understanding even when a person signs a liability waiver they can still sue. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  23. Hi I know this a ny forum but since I live here and hunt here this is the forum I read and follow most. Anyways the issue is, I may potentially be losing permission on the only private land I have access to. It is in Connecticut. My uncle is a lawyer for a very wealthy women who is the land owner. This year he has told me that since the land is no longer being insured the owner isn't comfortable having me hunt there. It was my understanding that since it isn't a lease the property owner is protected from liability. My uncle has said this is true but this is very limited in the coverage it offers. Does anyone know the legal language and or links to codes to show that they would be protected so I could forward links. Or is he correct that they still could be liable not including of exclusions such as undisclosed known hazzards? Do any of you have personal liability coverage or know of something I can purchase to help them feel safe? My uncle knows I obviously wouldn't sue but his client is worth many millions so despite me being family it is not something the property owner can chance. Any other ideas or suggestions? Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  24. Have you ever seen these before? i found it intriguing. Vorn backpacks
  25. i have a hoyt maxxis 31 . rt hand 28 or 29 cant remember draw length. 60lb draw with quiver i will sell for 250. will need new string in cables but a super awesome bow. pm if interested
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