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DanD last won the day on July 22 2019

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About DanD

  • Birthday October 30

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  • Location
    steuben county

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  • Hunting Location
    Painted Post NY
  • Hunting Gun
    Browning X-bolt 30-06 & 7mm-08, Savage 220

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  1. Rounds are sold. Mods can close. Thank you.
  2. I have a small stockpile of 20 gauge 2.75"(~6 boxes) and 3" (~8 boxes) Remington Accutips that I will never shoot. If anyone is looking for them, please let me know.
  3. DanD

    Kids age

    My oldest is 5 this year and has been begging to go. I plan on taking him out a few times for a walk/short sits
  4. I've always used CCI 209 primers, but switched to the CCI 209M primers when I switched to BH209. Knock on wood, I've never had ignition issues.
  5. Weatherby Vanguard 25-06, TRACT Toric 3-15x44, 100 Grain Barnes TTSX Winchester model 70 stainless 243 win, Leupold 3-14?x40, 80 grain Barness TTSX CVA Accura V2, Nikon 3-9x40, 70 grains by weight of BH209, 250 grain Barnes TMZ if time allows....Remington 7600 carbine 35 Whelen, Leupold 2-7x32, 200 grain Barnes TTSX
  6. DanD


    I regret not buying a spare can last year when I saw it for $80...
  7. I like the reticle. Do you know what their warranty is? Similar to Leupold or Vortex?
  8. Still mulling it over. I should be able to pick up the actual gun this week. From there, I just need to pull the trigger and get the rings/bases and the scope. I don't think I'm going to go too nuts as far as objective and mag range. 40-44mm Objective and probably 15x max for magnification. What kind of reticle did you get in that Tract?
  9. I have the same scope on a 7mm-08. I like it a lot, but they don’t make it anymore. Closest they make is a VX3HD with their CDS turret that I’ve never messed with.
  10. I’ve leaning towards buying something a touch bigger than I have on anything else I own. Might try a 50mm objective for the first time since I won’t be trying to carry it through brush and over mountains in the ADKs. I’ve never bought a Burris but I’ve heard good things from a few guys I know. I struggle to venture away from leupold or vortex. They’ve haven’t let me down….yet
  11. I have this same setup with a leupold vx3i 4.5-14 on a Winchester model 70. Big big fan with 80 grain barnes ttsx.
  12. I always wanted a quarter bore and found a relative steal in this market on a NIB Weatherby Vanguard in 25-06. I've been wrestling with the decision of scope power as I would normally throw a 3-9x40 on it and call it a day. This will be more of a longer range gun for predators and open field deer hunting so some extra magnification (4.5-14?) might not hurt. Anyone have a similar setup or thoughts?
  13. I would LOVE to get into reloading; however, I have 3 young boys that consume what little free time I have. One day i will get there, just not any time soon.
  14. Not sure what you mean by power combo. I use off the shelf Barnes 80 grain TTSX bullets in a Winchester model 70 stainless in 243. Went a bit overkill with the scope Leupold 4.5-14x44 or something like that. The best rifle/ bullet/ scope combo that I have owned to date. Incredibly confident in it well past the range I'm able to shoot in NY. I used a Winchester model 70 in 243 for the first decade i hunted in PA. Was a shooter friendly rig, but then again I was a large 12+ year old....hold the fat jokes
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