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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by BowmanMike

  1. I think Steve's post hit the nail on the head. The wording in that bill takes things way too far to ever pass. Maybe it's like one of those tactics that folks loved about trump,start with something outrageous and then negotiate from there.
  2. I wouldn't be too worried about passing a psych eval. I would think it is stupid for a bow,a single shot weapon. But if that's what it would take to own one i would do it.
  3. I am very left of center in my beliefs but love hunting. Mostly with a bow though i can take or leave the gun hunting. I grew up in Germany and as an outsider i have to point out that the gun craze is a strictly american cultural thing. I think it is a little cray cray personally,but how one grows up of course shapes ones values. I never in my life was in a situation where I thought that i needed a gun. I realize a lot of people on here dont get me,but that's fine and a fairly mutual feeling. I dont claim to be right or wrong and people have to figure out their own belief systems. That is the beauty and also the ugly side of living in a democracy. There is whackiness on both extremes,but generally the more moderate majority keeps things in check. If you dont like some folks posts here dont read them. I dont engage with a few characters on here because it is pointless.
  4. I agree with this. The planet has its own cycles that we dont have anything anything to do with. The rest i think is different,and a vast majority of scientist agree.. The carbon concentration in the atmosphere is the highest it has ever been right now and that is the result of burning fossil fuels that took millions of years to form. There is a lot of carbon stored in those and releasing all that has to have an effect,its just common sense. This is carbon that was taken out of the atmosphere over millions of years to be released by us in 150 years. Saying that we dont influence the planets atmosphere is a cop out. A head buried in the sand wont save your ass from burning.
  5. Grouse and phantom seem that way to me. Not much hunting content from either one,yet i dont hear you call them out. Seems like you are lying to yourself.
  6. You think we don't affect the planet? Wow. The planet does not care about us,i agree with that. But i think it would be nice if we could avoid wiping out most species including ourselves by being smarter about things. The planet will most likely recover when we are gone,but that won't matter to us.
  7. The US is leading the world in reducing its carbon footprint? Where did you get that interesting piece of information?
  8. You are against dc statehood? I thought you didnt like taxation without representation...oh wait,that's mostly for white folk? I just thought of another thing,court packing is not done by republicans? Trump got three supreme court judges in,the last weeks before the election. Obama got one in and the republicans blocked his 2nd six months or more before the election. Some people have a very short memory...
  9. You are right,we could just keep doing what we are doing,i am sure that will be fine. Self center much? Go party with merlot.
  10. I do have two horses,so i am halfway there,haha. And i agree it has to be a gradual transition as well,that is the only option. But we took some steps backwards regarding coal especially. We are running out of time with the transition,things are going out of whack. Natures system are very resilient,but the tipping point is near. And if i am wrong than we just achieved cleaner emissions earlier,what's not to like?
  11. What is with the all or nothing attitude? America was the world leader in horse drawn implement technology in the 20's and 30's. The economy over 100 years ago was much more regional,money circulated in the community. Small is beautiful,that's a good book about small economy. Either way,we are not going all the way back,but there are good parts to learn from. Like small scale water power,no batteries needed for that. All the environmental problems pale in comparison to the world population though,and if we as humans cant even get a grip on the environmental problems that one is way out of reach. Exponential growth only works for so long. I do realize a lot if people dont want to think about this stuff,doesnt mean it isn't there though.
  12. The lubricating agents used in fracking are proprietary. I do know that regular wastewater plants can not clean fracking fluid. Why are the test of europe phasing out nuclear power? Sweden is nuclear free i believe and Germany is just about there.
  13. Coal took thousands of years to form,an acre of woods produces more than a cord per year. A tree takes carbon from the atmosphere and releases it when burned. That is a different story from mountaintop removal to get at coal and taking something that will not be replenished for millennia. Big picture folks I do split my wood by hand,a logging truck load every year. I do use a chainsaw though. Everybody has room for improvement in their lifes regarding the environment,me as well.
  14. no surprise there. What is the solution for 8 million gallons of chemical filled wastewater per well? Oh,put it underground,it wont do any harm there... Very clean energy indeed,just like nuclear. What is the half life of those spent fuel rods?
  15. You have no idea what i would or wouldn't do. I was considering going into organic vegetable growing using horses for power. But growing veggies in NY is a hard way to make a living.
  16. I am helping the overpopulation problem actively by choosing to not have kids. I heat with wood,a local renewable energy source using a not so efficient furnace and a very efficient masonry heater. What are you guys doing?
  17. Lithium is not a solution but a crutch for now. Oil and gas are better? It all or nothing with you guys. There should be a mixed portfolio of energy sources. New york was powered by water 150 years ago,it is all regional specific. We dont do so well with solar probably... Energy conservation is another area for much improvement. These things dont happen because there is a free market.
  18. I am ready for something different..I also drive a truck,but would not mind going back to horse and buggy. It doesnt hurt to think of the big picture. If anyone thinks burning fossil fuels that took hundreds of thousands of years to form at the scale we are burning it has no effect on the environment they are fools. It makes me happy i dont have any kids that will have to live in an ever crazier world because we did nothing to change. You think caravans of people seeking refuge are big now,wait another 20 years and get back to me then. Business as usual will be anything but.
  19. Why dont i ever hear anyone complain about the subsidies the big oil companies are getting? They sure dont need help by my reckoning. Or the two ousted georgia senators selling their stock after the first covid briefing? Smart move,right?
  20. Screw building another oil pipeline. Oil and coal and gas need to be phased out. There will be tons of jobs in the new energy sector. Did we keep lead paint after finding out the drawbacks? Why would one invest in fossil fuels? Europe had its first year where renewables had a bigger share than oil and gas and coal for their energy supply. There is tremendous possibility,but most people just want to go back to the past. That will not work. One can learn from the past,but making the same mistakes is ...crazy.
  21. You bet you guys could be wrong. 61 dismissed court cases,the justice department not finding evidence... But you hold on to your facebook news. Santa is real too And you guys said democrats are sore losers,pffff.
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