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Everything posted by BowmanMike

  1. I am ok with it since it was lawfully passed. But here is a question,do you think any of this would be happening if trump won the election? Hawley seems like a self serving asshat to me,but that's just my opinion.
  2. Ok,so if you could get an illness doesn't count as an excuse? Why was that law passed in the first place then and why are people just objecting now? And how can Oregon have all mail in ballots then?
  3. I dont fit most molds,and not because i am big. But i do make up my own mind. What i was saying with the post is that that bill in pa was introduced and passed by a republican led house. Then folks didnt like the results and are challenging it after the election? And if the votes for the president were fraudulent,then the votes for senators and representatives would be too,but who talks about that? Not the senators that got elected...
  4. What are you doing in your spare time that people wanna invade your home? I have never in my life thought,boy i wish i had had a gun for that.
  5. @Grouse. It seems like we are looking at what i think is a circle. Some might say it is an oval. You say its a triangle. How can anything be discussed when that is where we start? Or, one guy walks down the street and sees a six on the pavement. A guy comes from the other direction and says it's a nine. You walk up and say look at that four.
  6. Grouse,if you think Trump served the people more than himself you cant be helped.
  7. You are one ignorant fella. The big mercedes and bmw have 300+ hp engines that get better than 20 mpg. some are 8 cylinders but run only two when you dont need the other six. There are no pick up trucks because they are an american thing.
  8. I think the rush to get trump out has maybe something to do with him as a president inciting a mob to march on the capitol? That is a big one,even compared to Trumps other shenanigans. And the dems are making a mess? who was president for the ladt four years? Who handled the pandemic like a champ? Ok,mikey out so you can get back to newsmax.
  9. you are so in touch with what the left thinks,what are you reading grouse? You got answers to everything,you must be very very smart indeed.
  10. I wish the left and right could agree on the facts at least,but that seems to be happening very rarely these days.
  11. I wish gas would go up like that. They tax the hell out of it in Europe and automakers responded by making very fuel efficient engines. I drive a truck and getting 15 miles per gallon is ridiculous. Fuel effieciency has barely improved in the last 20 years here on the whole. You are looking at this problem from the wrong angle.
  12. I think some of our officials try to do the right thing. Lots are there for their own reasons. The system is far from perfect,but it could be a lot worse too. I would welcome changes but it is very hard to do against the establishment and just the general slow motion of congress and the Senate. What is the alternative though? Democracy is a good idea on paper,but it is always people and greed that mess things up.This is on both sides of the isle. I think this two party system is flawed,there should be more options. I also think the electoral college should be abolished and every vote should count the same. Of course it doesn't matter much what i think,only to me. And i dont even take myself to terribly serious. Everyone looks at the world through their eyes,that is why Trump thinks he could not possibly have lost. He really thinks he is the greatest at about anything. But that is why we should have discussions,to try to understand a different point of view. I get frustrated when people making absolute statements when reality is much more nuanced than what we write down here. I may even be guilty of that too.
  13. Hey,if trump only managed to get us to the edge of a cliff I am pretty sure biden can do no worse. Just wait and see.
  14. Who voted for the changes in the voting process in texas in the first place? Last time i checked there was a republican majority. Same in pennsylvania. Then they just didnt like the results.
  15. What are you saying? The mob didn't like the policies so they break the whole system? I dont give two shits about guns. I doubt my muzzleloader will be confiscated. I read on facebook that kamala is going to make people with more than five guns have a sex change. Start counting! The fearmongering you fellas buy in to is ridiculous.
  16. Me delusional? You believe a snake oil salesman and facebook? No evidence of widespread voter fraud,62 court cases dismissed. You dont think Rudy would have gotten somewhere if there was even a little evidence. You keep telling yourself you are flying,but you are falling. Conspiracy nuts are just that,nuts. Biden is eating babies and abusing children,right?
  17. pointing out hypocrisy doesnt automatically make you racist any illegitimate gang bangers are welcome. bs when did joe biden blackmail the ukraine and how? He was in no position to hold back aid. people dont demand a female president,they are saying it shows what a male dominated cukture this is. that's all i have time for now
  18. How do you make it through a day with all that fear? Why even get up?
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