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Everything posted by BowmanMike

  1. Dont you guys confuse private companies with the government censoring anything. Arent you fella's all in on the free market thing? Or maybe there should be some government regulation on big companies and monopolies? Careful what you wish for...
  2. That's why we are called leftists,and you are rightists,because you are always right,right?
  3. Oh yeah,who said something about a meatloaf? It is pretty simple,should a 9 year old girl that's handcuffed already be peppersprayed? I can't think of any scenario where that is ok. Even if it is with the kids version of pepper spray,which i am sure cops carry the weak stuff in case they just want to tickle your nose a bit.
  4. I dont know him at all. But to my mind the was not a hint of humor in that. This is a great example of our different perception of things. I think that was the statement of an ass and you think it was a joke. Similar things happened with a lot of Trumps statements.
  5. Can you explain to me how it is that if there was such widespread voter fraud that there was no way for Trump or the republican controlled senate or any of the 60+ courts to verify that? You are saying the minority party managed to pull this off without a hitch? How?
  6. Good for us they didn't come out and vote,like some of the capitol rioters.
  7. Good advice. That girl should be in jail and the key should be thrown away. You still manage to surprise me @Grouse I sure am happy you are not in charge of anything.
  8. I agree,maybe he should be golfing instead. Trump's record will be hard to break,no president played more golf than him.
  9. Any law can be abused. I would hope that there is some scrutiny when it comes to allegations being made. A friend of mine actually went through that His ex wife said she felt threatened when she left him and the cops showed up to grab all his guns. That was a bs move on her part. He would never hurt her. It was weird for him to say the least but he got them all back a few months later. Like i said,there is abuse with every law. Same thing with welfare,it is a decent concept but people play the system. Does it mean it should be abolished entirely? I dont think so.
  10. My answer is it's over the top. But your scenario is as unlikely as me winning the lottery. That would mean no hunting for anyone unless you use your bare hands. I dont know why you assume a psych eval would be a way to confiscate all guns. If you are not crazy you should be fine. You paint the worst scenario that evryone will be deemed unstable. Obviously some guns ended up in unstable peoples hands. How do you suggest that could be prevented?
  11. I made it to almost fifty,so chances are good i wont. Thanks for your consideration.
  12. I said it before and will say it again. I dont care about guns..I dont think about them and dont need them. People can have guns,i dont have a problem with that. The bill seems over the top,but i dont have a dog in this fight. I wouldn't feel my rights have been infringed upon because i dont care about the 2nd amendment. But that is my point of view and i am not forcing that on others.
  13. This bill will never go through like that. Too many people own guns for this to ever pass like that.
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