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Everything posted by BowmanMike

  1. You are deflecting and not answering my question. What kind of early intervention are you talking about?
  2. Nope,you need to access it legally. If there is no right of way you need adjacent landowners permission. If you can't get that you can't access the state land.
  3. So what kind of early intervention do you have in mind? A revolution? Assasination? Now i understand why the proposed gun laws make you so nervous,you are worried about a knock on your door and failing a mental exam. My prediction is after considering all the facts that you will commit a mass shooting before Bidens term is over. You are checking all the boxes.
  4. Fedco trees has a great variety and good stock. They ship bare-root trees,so no head start there. Their hardiness ratings are spot on as well.
  5. I went to a single pin slider last year and love it. The sight picture is amazing.For hunting i don't adjust it unless i am shooting over 32 yds which is rare. I have mine set at 26 yds and am 3" low at 31 yds and 3" high at 15 yards. This setup makes it easy to shoot in the heat of the moment. I shoot a fairly heavy arrow,575 grains so your arrow drop might be very different.
  6. I do. Either way,we will just have to wait and see,right?
  7. Anything is possible,even you joining the green party. Is it likely? Who knows what might change your mind. Do you have any indication for that plan of the vice taking over? This seems like a purely hypothetical discussion to me. And just as reminder,Biden is only 4 years older than our last president. I know which one i would bet on to reach an older age.
  8. If i remeber correctly the Netherlands legalized all drugs and it worked pretty well. I have not checked on any data about that though. I am not saying it would be easy and lots of stuff needs to be worked out. Like with any problem.
  9. That's correct actually i am on welfare,so i dont have to. Thanks for making my lifestyle possible @Grouse
  10. No,the druggies can pay for their own heroin,but it will be much cheaper and taxed. And all the money we can save on the war on drugs. Big picture stuff if you want results. Or we can just keep doing the same old thing. Doesn't really matter to me,but i would hope people could think about different approaches to things. Isnt that the definition of crazy to keep doing the same and expecting a different result?
  11. You really want me to toot my own horn? Now that's not my style.
  12. Yup,i am good. I do know you are good at cutting and pasting stuff but know very little about you because you dont say much besides the quotes.
  13. That is my biggest concern with a power outage as well. Getting a portable generator has been on my list of things to do,i just have not gotten there yet. Heat is no problem since we heat with wood. The blower on the furnace wont work but i can run it with a small fire. Water is another issue since we have our own well. We have some friends 1.5 miles away that have a gravity fed water system from a spring on a hillside and we got water from them before. The longest we lost power was 5 days and that was well over 15 years ago. Things have been good since,but i want a backup for peace of mind.
  14. You should try to get more sleep and spend less time on the internet. There are pills that make you have to pee less at night... The world can look like a scary place at 2 a.m.
  15. I am looing foward to the 3d season for sure. That shoot is a bit of a drive for me,i haven't made it there yet.
  16. I use a folding buck knife,the blade locks when opened and is about 5" long..I dont like the blade much shorter for cutting arond the poop chute. I got a helle fixed blade knife for Christmas that will be my new field knife.
  17. You do what you want,i was just trying to save you from a headache. If you want to worry about it go ahead,by all means.
  18. Legalizing all drugs is the only way to beat the cartels. Take away the profit. Drug addicts are just that,addicts,and they will get their fix any way they can. The war on drugs has not been working very well so far,has it? Education and help are two things that stand a better chance at combating drug problems. Some people cant be helped no matter what.
  19. I will not waste my time speculating what might happen or not in two years from now with the president and vice president. Not enough information to come to any conclusion.
  20. I didn't make myself clear. They handled covid very differently,i was trying to point out that folks being upset about Cuomos mishandling of the crisis did not apply that same critical eye to our then president. I am by no means trying to make excuses for Cuomo when it comes to the nursing home situation,whenever politician try to cover up stuff you can bet it stinks.
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