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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. I fear you may be correct, as that would explain the clueless majority of the electorate. However, my hope springs eternal. If it opens just one mind, it wasn't time wasted.
  2. The mountain lion subject has been discussed in these forums before. Basically, the idea they travel through NY state is accepted, but there is no breeding population and no permanent residents. It always gets a rise out of a lot of people though, whenever the subject comes up, since many have claimed to have proof they are in NY, but that proof usually turns out to be fraudulent. I think it would be cool to see this trail cam photo turn out to be legit. but even if it is legit, that cat is probably miles away from that area now. They keep moving looking for a mate, which they won't find in NY.
  3. The Leftmedia is awash today with stories that Russia is at it again. The New York Times broke the story: "Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected." We've seen this pathetic movie before, so there's no need in rehashing how Democrats and their Leftmedia super PAC seized on phony allegations that Trump "colluded" with Russia to defeat Hillary Clinton in 2016. They spent nearly three years yammering about it only to finally be distracted by the Ukraine fiasco. But that doesn't mean there aren't some aspects of this story that deserve a refresher. First of all, this isn't new. As Mark Alexander argues, "Russia has strived to interfere with American elections since the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 and the rise of the Soviet communists. The only thing new about this 'interference' is that it has been, and remains, fodder for the Left to undermine Trump's presidency. The irony is, leftists and their Leftmedia propagandists are, as they were in 2016, backing a communist who they hope will defeat Trump." Anyone remember when Ted Kennedy requested Soviet interference to help defeat Ronald Reagan in the 1984 election? The New York Times doesn't, because that inconvenient history doesn't help Democrats now. Today's news follows the same template used in 2017. As the Times reminds us, "The intelligence community issued an assessment in early 2017 that President Vladimir V. Putin personally ordered a campaign of influence in the previous year's election and developed 'a clear preference for President-elect Trump.' But Republicans have long argued that Moscow's campaign was intended to sow chaos, not aid Mr. Trump specifically." Republicans were exactly right. Besides, Trump has been tough on Russia throughout his presidency, and his work to bolster U.S. energy production (especially via fracking), strengthen NATO, and stabilize Europe and the Middle East are directly counter to Putin's objectives. The idea that Putin truly prefers Trump over Sanders or any other Democrat is ludicrous. Moreover, Moscow generally interferes in a way that supports the expected loser in order to undermine the eventual winner. Given that everyone thought Clinton was going to win in 2016, that left the Russians with the obvious choice of "backing" Trump. Their objective succeeded beyond Putin's wildest dreams, as Democrats aided him in peddling the narrative that American election integrity was compromised and a duly elected president was somehow corrupt, even going so far as to impeach that president. Putin got four years of chaos out of a few Facebook ads. Of course he's going to run that same play (with necessary operational tweaks), and Democrats, the Leftmedia, and apparently some deep-state intelligence officials are all too eager to help him. One final history lesson: Barack Obama's administration was well aware of Russian efforts to interfere all throughout 2016, yet Obama and his cadre of deep-staters said and did nothing to stop it, in part because it was so ineffectual but primarily because they didn't want to taint Clinton's supposedly certain victory. Only when Trump shocked the world by winning did Obama's gang decide to turn this "crisis" into an opportunity to undermine the incoming president with the Russia-collusion hoax. After last week's report to Congress, Trump removed acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire and chose German ambassador Richard Grenell to take his place. It's part of a general and much-needed house cleaning after Trump's impeachment and acquittal. Nevertheless, the Democrats' 2020 playbook is now evident.
  4. The DEC wants to speak to the cam owner to verify where it was taken. https://hudsonvalleyone.com/2020/02/21/possible-mountain-lion-sighted-in-the-hudson-valley/
  5. Some of the oppression in that article is insane! I'll bet there is a huge black market for ammo in California starting up.
  6. Hunter numbers are dropping fast. https://www.americanhunter.org/articles/2020/2/21/new-california-ammo-regulations-drive-hunters-from-the-field/?fbclid=IwAR0cEb_RtAgTWZU_ZNX1bBwzpowHnUfGI4Q4rc5EZ2VpPbDH9pupgW5wXPg The number of California hunters declined 17 percent in 2019, as new regulations regarding the use and purchase of ammunition kicked in fully last July to drive tens of thousands of hunters from the field last fall.
  7. Damn, I'm out of "likes" again. But you are correct there. So here goes..... LOL!! Maybe because of my age I prefer original meanings of words to modern day perversions. Why is not wanting to know ignorant? To ignore truth is ignorant. ORIGIN OF IGNORANT 1325–75; Middle English ignora(u)nt < Latin ignōrant- (stem of ignōrāns), present participle of ignōrāre to ignore
  8. Taking the definition of the word out of the context of the sentence it was used in would serve no purpose, as it relates to the idea of knowing truth, not it's general definition. I didn't suggest an argument. I proposed a civil debate. Intellectual in nature. You may not realize it, but you have devolved into ad hominem attacks here, which seems to indicate you have noting of substance to offer which would refute my prior claims. I'm disappointed. Anyway, this isn't where the debate should take place, as this thread would be derailed. Feel free to PM me and we can hopefully have a civil go round that will inevitably go on for some time with no change of mind likely.
  9. Because he has exposed their incompetence and corruption. They are employing a defensive mechanism designed to deflect attention from themselves. They say they are on the same side, but their actions don't support their words.
  10. Something? The word used was "Truth". If one has adopted beliefs based on lies, they are not ignorant. They're misinformed. Once the truth is evident, if they refuse to believe it, then they are ignorant. If something I post seems, in your opinion to be untrue, I relish a challenge to defend my position. Change my mind.
  11. Somehow, I do not believe that is what Trump plans to do later in life. That's what politicians do when out of office. Trump is not a politician. He will continue to show us how to do it, not tell us how to do it.
  12. Nothing wrong with promoting other's ideas that you concur with, when opposing someone else's own ideas that are obviously flawed. Very few people have ever had an original idea that has been accepted by most others. When someone doesn't know the truth, that doesn't make them ignorant. Not wanting to know the truth is what makes them ignorant.
  13. He doesn't get paid for those rallies and he doesn't have a desire to make a living as a talking head that produces nothing, or a story teller that spews propaganda. He wrote "The Art of the Deal" and it sold well. It's also considered a business milestone.
  14. Obama went up in pay with every elected position he got. Add to that the book deals and speaking fees and we can see why he had a net worth of less than 1/2 million when elected and over 40 million now. George Bush Jr. also lost nothing when he became POTUS.
  15. You would think the Russians would be supporting a fellow Communist in America, like Bernie Sanders. Or, at the very least, a leftist like Hillary. Why would they support an American patriot that despises communism?
  16. This is all quite possibly true of many wealthy people, but it falls flat regarding Trump and his Presidency, because being President has COST him millions, if not billions. The man is not getting richer being in office. He's there because he is aware of the danger leftist Progressive Marxist Democrats pose to the nation and found himself in a position to stop them. The way he is addressing activist judges in the courts at the state, federal, district and Supreme Court levels, is enough proof he respects the Constitution and the Rule of Law, which the past few Presidents have not. It's proof he wants to prevent the destruction of America as we have known it at the hands of people who wish to "fundamentally change" it into something they have never explained in advance. Doesn't anyone else wonder why our mass media never asked exactly what the leftists planned to change? How is it nobody had any concerns about what would be changed? America dodged a lethal bullet when Trump was elected. It is amazing more than half the citizens of this land are too ignorant to see it.
  17. Is the false and misleading information put out by Democrats, the DNC, Leftists, Progressives, gun control proponents and leftist special interest groups, also considered interference in our election? It's a "buyer beware" scenario. It is up to the voters to decide what is true and what isn't. Mud slinging has been part of the American electoral process since the days of John Adams. People who are convinced foreign influence was interfering in the 2016 election, never consider if it was also involved in interference supporting Hillary. American elections affect the entire world. Believing foreign nations do not do everything they can to sway these elections is simply naive. But nobody's vote was ever forced, or physically influenced by anyone in any election to date. As far as the recent stories you mentioned, unless the so called "Intelligence" officials are named and present themselves for public scrutiny, they should be given no credibility at all. Unless they can be questioned, and their charges verified, why are they being aired? We have seen this smear tactic employed from the day Trump first announced he was running for President. It's all part of the Left's plan to claim Trump's re-election is invalid after the fact. Desperate people employ desperate tactics when they know they have absolutely no chance of legitimately winning an upcoming election. BTW, anything CBS reports should always be considered propaganda, since they've been proven to employ that tactic many times in the past.
  18. Let me address this misconception for those who believe it: And he (maybe not Rattler himself since he seems well read at least with his own side) is the root of the problem...people “educating” themselves with memes I'm not educating myself with memes. I'm attempting to educate you with memes. Because it takes far too much time to type all of the info these memes convey. Any in depth explanation would not be considered by those who have an attention span of less than 5 minutes. When I post a statement in a meme, I agree with the message it conveys. Anyone that dismisses the message because it comes in meme form, rather than refute the message itself, is taking the coward's way out of the debate. If you feel the message in the meme is incorrect or not factual, by all means have at it. Otherwise you are simply attacking the messenger without refuting the message. It may make you feel morally superior, but it doesn't trump the point made.
  19. Did anyone else notice the one American flag that was on the Democrat debate stage the other night, was removed from the stage just prior to it starting? What does that say for the party?
  20. It's just too easy to do. I can't resist.
  21. Democrats care about putting the government in control of as much of our money as possible.
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