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Iluvracks1359 last won the day on November 15 2017

Iluvracks1359 had the most liked content!

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Montgomery county
  • Hunting Gun
    Savage 30-06
  • Bow
    bow tech
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. Looking for something long term with freedom to hunt the land as if it were my own, 75 acres or more would be nice . . Really want to be able to hang tree stands, cut trails, and plant food crops. . .please pm me if you have anything or know of anything. .. I live in mo Montgomery county, (Fonda) but am willing to travel an or or so for something.
  2. Has anyone tried wing and buck?? I found a property that I'm going to look at next week.. the whole process just seems really.sketchy tho . .
  3. I have family out in Delmar.. but no one has enough huxtable property .. I really need to get out that way
  4. Definitelt not the same deer, these pictures are 29 miles apart lol
  5. Finally got a nice shot on a buck on sunday night and I misjudged the distance. it seems like when he ran off he didnt see me and had no idea what happened.. will he give me another chance?? Also.. I rattled him in. . Do u think I could rattle him in again, or will he most likely avoid the clash of antlers now?
  6. Hey guys which do u think is the older buck?? The one with the bigger rack looks younger to me.. thoughts?
  7. U got alot of bucks there bud!! I'd love to come help u take one or two!
  8. Football never trumps hunting, I dont care how big of a game! I have yet to have daytime pics of bucks by my stands.you blew it bud!! I hope he gives u a second chance!
  9. Just had to really nice bucks show up on cam but no daylight. . . Hoping that changes soon
  10. So I'm very seriously looking into leasing land, and doing some research I found this group called base camp leasing. Has anyone ever done business with them? Know anything about them? They seem to have some good deals
  11. Any suggestions as to what I should pop on it for a scope?
  12. Last month, my father in law was selling some gun raffles for the pleasantdale rod and gun club, and for 25 bucks I said ahh what the hell, I'll take one, forgot all about it. This morning I got a call saying I had won a marlin 45-70! It looks like a really sweet gun, cant wait to get my hands on it!
  13. I posted a similar post in the deer hunting section. . I took tuesday and friday off and was just wondering if I should skip tuesday all together.. but u know what.. I've gotten deer on cam in all kinds of weather. . .so eff it.. I'd rather be in the woods than at home watching tv.. and my boss wont let me switch days this late.. so I'm going both days!
  14. the temperature for the 1st is supposed to be 81! Ugh.. is it even worth hunting? I will say.. the spot I'm hunting is near a water source.
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