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Water Rat

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Everything posted by Water Rat

  1. I can't see the ladder , but the top photo shows the buck looking up . Is that where you stand is located ? What photo shows the ladder ?
  2. Yeah , that's a nice rack for sure......nice and high.
  3. Very nice buck.......looks like he knows the cameras there.
  4. What's next then ...........Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman ?
  5. Stevie Wonder is boycotting Florida..........but how would he know ?
  6. Did you hear about the 16 year old black girl that was raped by 2 black men and then thrown off a roof top in Brooklyn ? This made the news today but will be forgotten in a few days . Why ?.........unfortunately because it wasn't racial .
  7. I met my wife in a bar. She was a bartender and I was a drunk. It was a marriage made in heaven....Lol Thankfully I'm not the drinker I used to be.
  8. Looks like their "cruising" for girls.
  9. For those of us who haven't gotten our fill of the Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman saga , Peirs Morgan will have the prosecution's star witness ........Rachel Jeantel on tonight at 9:00pm. Looks like I'll be throwing my empties at the TV again !
  10. Lol......That's a good one ! Luv the slippers.
  11. Welcome to the club.......looks like you didn't listen to Mother either.
  12. I'm not defending either one.....juveniles can be tried as adults in a court of law. Good luck with the fireworks defense.
  13. Everyone describes Trayvon Martin as a child .....granted , he wasn't an adult. Wouldn't juvenile be a better description than child ? More media hype I guess.
  14. Tell her you want to browse........most women can relate to that !!
  15. Funny how when O.J. Simpson was acquitted , it was like a National Holiday.
  16. Yeah............like there's a difference ?
  17. Is the steroid cheating Rodriguez playing tonight ? Important series for both clubs. The Yankees are decimated with injuries . Boston needs to bury them now. " Let's Go Mets".......lol
  18. These scumbags were on CNN spewing their garbage. Wonder where Holder and Obama were ?
  19. No , not those black panthers. The Black Panther Party just put a $10,000.00 bounty on George Zimmerman.
  20. Predate .....I've never heard of anyone that was so into mushrooms than yourself. What's the attraction ? Hobby ? Table fare ? How long have you been at it ?
  21. Hope I'm not going blind................I don't see it.
  22. Hard to believe , but I think he has a cult / fan club . I guess it's just the media stirring things up again....anything for a profit.
  23. I was on a spring bear hunt in Canada a while back when the guide told me that Ted Nugent was there the week earlier. He showed me some photo's of Ted and invited the guide and his family to one of his concerts later that month. Didn't he step on his dick in Canada though ?
  24. Anyone seen the cover of the latest Rolling Stone magazine ?
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