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Water Rat

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Water Rat

  1. Go head.......say it . Lol
  2. If the description is accurate , it's no bobcat.
  3. Why do I get the impression that someday you'll be running for office ?
  4. Looks like he's going for a "birdie " from the " bent grass ".
  5. Yesterday's Poughkeepsie Journal newspaper reported the death of a Poughkeepsie High School senior who died of complications from the Powassan virus . This new virus is no joke.
  6. I have a ............" I'll get around to it list ".
  7. What's the odds of getting stung in the nipple ? Sorry to hear about that Pygmy , but you sure made me laugh.
  8. I have these bees in my yard that burrow underground . I've seen them bring dead cicada's and actually drag them down into the hole . I don't believe they sting , but if they could , I bet it would be painful.
  9. Election day thru Veteran's day always seems to always be hot. That would be 11/5/2013 thru 11/112013 this year.
  10. If you find beechnuts or blueberries , you'll find the bears. Good luck !
  11. Its " News ".........whether it's A-rod , Zimmerman , the Royal baby , embassy closings , etc...Real issues rarely go by the wayside.
  12. Is there a fall season , when their even heavier ? I realize the fur is nicer in the spring than in the fall , but there not usually rubbed in the fall .
  13. Your correct...... his appeals will take months to complete . He might be finished all next season and should be thankful that Bud Selig ( MLB ) didn't go for the life time ban.
  14. Disgraced Yankee spanked with a 211 game suspension. Hopefully the likes of him , Bonds , McGuire , Sosa , Clemmons and Palmero never set foot in the Hall Of Fame .
  15. Man.....you got some big bears in Saskatchewan ! Blows away New Brunswick !
  16. If anyone's interested , Ted Nugent will be performing at " The Chance " in Poughkeepsie , NY on 8 / 8 / 2013. Show starts at 7:00 pm. The tickets are $35.00 at the door.
  17. Or maybe a group discount for members of Huntingny ? Starting to get the itch again !!!!
  18. If you do go bear hunting.......I would suggest you wear clothes. You don't want to get arrested in Canada. Lol
  19. It might seem crazy but it's really not. There was a guy in camp one year who wouldn't climb down from his tree stand in the dark until the guide walked in to get him. Sometimes you can actually hear the bears "popping" their jaws.
  20. I hear what your saying , but there's is a challenge. The really big bears tend to come in after it gets dark. Don't think that they don't know when your there.
  21. I like walking out of the woods in the dark , while hearing the bears going and coming to the bait barrel.......quite the adrenaline rush. I've done 5 spring bear hunts and it's a lot of fun.
  22. Interesting , but where's the letter you sent to him ?
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