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tony m

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by tony m

  1. I believe days later this was changed to the rifle was used and a shotgun was in the car.
  2. Signed and commented. Number 974 "It seems that Americans have somehow been re-educated away from understanding a basic fundamental of humanity. This is, that a free man's natural state is dependent upon their ability to defend themselves. Something is terribly wrong in that people are not accepting all of history. My God folks, have the courage to understand that those that have fought for freedom since probably man first existed, wear the white hats. Don't help lead a path for people having to possibly defend their families again."
  3. That is a good question. AR stands for ArmaLite is what I undestand. Kind of like that press conference with Bush after 911 when he stated that no one should listen to outrageous conspiracy theories. Is it he that brought that term into the mainstream? I don't recall it used before that.
  4. Celebrity cast of above video. So we know which movies to boycott from now on. Jamie Foxx, Jason Bateman, Paul Rudd, Beyonce Knowles, Amy Poehler, Jeremy Renner, Amanda Pete, Jon Hamm, Carla Gugino, Jessica Alba, Reese Witherspoon, Rashida Jones, Will Ferrell, Sarah Silverman, Aziz Ansari, John Legend, Olivia Munn, Kathryn Hahn, Julianne Moore, Busy Phillips, Jennifer Garner, John Slattery, Nick Offermann, Chris Rock, Cameron Diaz, Courtney Cox, Christina Applegate, Zooey Deschanel, Steve Carrell, Adam Scott, Ellen Degeneres, Mark Ruffalo, Kate Hudson, Peter Dinklage, Jennifer Aniston, Elizabeth Banks, Max Greenfeld,Gwyneth Paltrow, Conan Obrien, Aubrey Plaza, Debra Messing, Megan Mullaly, Jennifer Westfeldt, Selena Gomez, Michelle Williams, Chris Paul, Victor Cruz
  5. From a evidence standpoint, is it correct that there is no video or eyewitness of the actual shooting? The student stated he saw a person in armor and a mask. Is that correct too? Interesting info on the car in the parking lot that belongs to that Christopher guy. http://willyloman.wordpress.com/2012/12/23/sandy-hook-shootingsuspect-car-linked-to-christopher-a-rodia-and-drug-family-of-norwalk/
  6. There will be folks attending to represent the natural right of man to defend themselves. I may be heading up to do some interviews. 1st impressions matter, it is suggested to wear conservative attire. https://www.facebook.com/events/106010646240086/106502109524273/?comment_id=106508096190341&notif_t=event_mall_comment http://www.meetup.com/Ithaca-Liberty/
  7. Has there been any statement released concerning the guy caught in the woods or another or same person handcuffed on the pavement in front of the school?
  8. Yes, Jay Peak is as good as it gets in the east. Been a decade for me two. Old snowboarder.
  9. The majority of Americans, doesn't matter what party, just don't know what is going on. Granted, those that decide on emotion is more prominent from the progressives. Here is an op-ed I just had in the Buffalo News, below is the online version. The second paragraph is the key. http://www.buffalone...urchasing power Except for a handful, elected officials at Congress, and maybe all state and local are clueless. And the Webster house was a meth lab. Carrie lived in Webster and is now in Brighton. The news is not informing about the drug house.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=jT3MtGG2X1U
  11. \Just copy the website address for that particular youtube video and then click on the link button, on here above, and paste it in, and OK it. Keep trying until you get it.
  12. Taxpayers funds shouldn't be used to fund private business. We lost the Pork Lawsuit last year in Albany. Thanks to Jim Ostrowski from Buffalo for putting the effort in to defend the New York State Constitution. We lost our appeal. Violating the NYS Constitution won.
  13. Oh, I remember those nuns. They didn't take any crap.
  14. Someone put a lot of work into this one. Hypocrisy at its finest. Some vulgarities at the end. How about a couple shots where they like the firearms, in real life. Hmm... Celebrities Indoctrinating Violence for Money
  15. That s*it is nasty? wtf? Le's eat some insects and get into a real groove. Time is money for the processor guy. Grind away. You can put more time into it yourself. That is cool, I do. Bad tasting meat, from a deer that had good looking guts, is usually do to people hanging deer to be cool. Get the hide off pronto. Since I don't have control enough to age meat, mine is dragged to camp, hide off, cut up, and in the freezer. You know, celebrate the food chain. Now have fun!
  16. This sculpture stands if front of the united nations, on U.S. soil, in NYC. The un, is world government. As is, the IMF, the World Bank ... Weaning and foot in the door. Americans have been falling for it since December 23, 1913. The last nails in the coffin are getting pounded in at a quick pace.
  17. I like the image of man's continuation of thousands of years of experience of hunting their food chain, resulting in the growth of the human species.
  18. My Rochester friend who grew up in Webster, and lives in Brighton, stated that it wouldn't be a surprise if this was drug related.
  19. What is your point in relation to the OP's? I hear the OP trying to bring forth facts for cause, affect, and solution. I hear this response as emotion that is supposed to help me do, what? If I were to take a slightly emotional response, which I normally do not do, but will to make a point, is; That those that want to disarm humans from their natural state to defend themselves, have blood on their hands for the slaughter of these defenseless children. Now, for those that are basically only seeing the death of these children as what matters most, then it has to be concluded that the killing of children cannot be tolerated and action must be taken to prevent/stop it. If so, then it must, must, be accepted that the U.S.government, in the names of all Americans, are killing innocent children, as collateral damage, with calculated and premeditated decision making using weapons of destruction with the use of drone attacks. Are those that care about the killings of children and putting forth requests for immediate action, also doing the same concerning these drone attacks and killing of children? I am not seeing this on TV or in the newspapers. If these caring Americans are not applying the same pressure for both examples for the killing of children, then - Something's Wrong. And a conclusion is, as discussed on this forum already, the culture and morality of America.
  20. no bow and muzzle hunt this year. 1 doe shotgun, only saw a maybe 3" spike.
  21. It took a while for me, but it's about leaving emotion out of the debate and not using adjectives. Adjectives express emotion. Name calling is emotion. I use to first type my posts in Notepad, step away form the keyboard, and then ask myself, did what I key contain emotion, disrespect, and has tact. When I went back, I made the corrections so I came across as professional and try the best I can at maintaining fact. Another person who has a good point enhances your own intellect. I thrive on people who speak about things I don't know about. That makes me want to research more.
  22. Sometimes the wording in comments could be different. It does seem that people at high levels of power have goals that come first. There are examples of that in history. Are they happy or high five-ing? I don't know. They may not be happy some people go killed but they could be happy the event happened.?. Some powerful people get where they are at because they do what the average person wouldn't fathom to do. In both good and bad ways.
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