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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. That knee injury aint stopping her from picking up 186lbs of scrap like its nothing. A 7 lb crossbow isnt gonna kill her lol
  2. Im not sure what that has to do with carrying a gun during bow season, but whatever.
  3. But you cant take the shotgun and bow out at the same time. Noone was saying you cant have a gun in the field for something other than deer during bow season.
  4. DTV has the Outdoor Channel, you just have to get the sports pack add on. HB is on there. MeatEater is also on Netflix now.
  5. Im not following you. Where can you take a shotgun?
  6. Honestly Im not sure where you were going with this. Its only legal to shoot bear with whatever weapon is open for deer at the time. Coyotes can be taken with a bow, crossbow or a rifle (less than .22 caliber) during archery season. If you are saying that you are taking a crossbow out to shoot coyotes and a bow to shoot deer, you are getting back into the same grey area as your original question. You cannot take a rifle (regardless of caliber) and a bow into the field at the same time during archery season. Im not sure what copper sabots have to do with not shooting a turkey with a bullet. Sabots and other deer slugs are bullets, are they not?
  7. I use them on my compound, I have no issues killing deer with them. They are no different than the standard Rage X heads really. If you never found her, how can you say the shot was perfect?
  8. Electronic calls are legal for deer, but not for turkeys
  9. I agree that it should be clearly written. Its also common sense to say to yourself "Well if this weapon, thats not legal for deer at this time, cant be carried while deer hunting, then this other weapon, thats not legal for deer at this time, shouldnt be carried while deer hunting either." I am not a fan of grey areas, I am also not a fan of pointlessly wasting my time in court. I have better things to do. What you need to ask yourself is, because its a grey area, is it worth your time and money to fight it?
  10. I simply added up the fact that crossbow is not legal for deer during bow season, and the fact that a gun is not legal during bow season, then I looked at the fact that you arent allowed to carry a gun while you are deer hunting during bow season (regardless of what other species gun is legal for at that time), and correlated the two things. It adds up to you cant carry a crossbow during bow season while you are deer hunting, the same as you cant carry a firearm while deer hunting during bow season. Does NY spell it out? I dont know, and Im thinking it may not, because NY is dumb. Even if it doesnt though, its one of those common sense "spirit of the law" things. We can thank the anti crossbow groups for the mess surrounding things like this, because they caused so much chaos in writing the laws. Hopefully full inclusion happens and we wont have to worry about it anymore.
  11. Hang on a second. What grow asked was about taking a bow for deer and a crossbow for turkey during deer bow season. Theres no loophole, its not legal. She would have to hunt either deer and turkey with a vertical bow, or she would have to hunt turkey with a crossbow. Its pretty cut and dry really. You could try and say theres a loophole, because noone can prove that you would shoot a deer with the crossbow, but its most likely going to come back and bite you either in how much it costs to fight, or you get the fine because they dont believe you. What you are talking about, taking a crossbow and bow for deer, would be perfectly legal during crossbow season. You can take a rifle and a bow into the woods for deer during gun season if you want.
  12. We get your thought process on it, its just not legal. The only way to legally hunt deer and turkey at the same time currently, and not run into any issue, is to do so with a vertical bow. It is what it is.
  13. Im not arguing anything. What Chris said in that particular post was wrong. Good freaking lord.
  14. No, its still the same. a LEO can give you a ticket for whatever he or she feels is justifiable. Its not an automatic guilty or a sentence, thats what court is there for. The choice is yours on how much money and/or time you are willing to put forth to fight said ticket.
  15. Come on man, I was just saying that what you said is not accurate, and it wasnt. Also, I can hunt turkeys with a crossbow from a treestand if I want to. Nothing illegal about it. I will say that after reading what grow originally said in the other thread, what she was asking about would be illegal.
  16. Crossbow season starts at a different time than firearms, setback distances are different, etc etc etc. The are not essentially treated as a firearm, and the seasons are different.
  17. There are a few good ones out there still. Meat Eater is great, Heartland Bowhunter is good, I like watching Buck Commander, because lets face it, those guys are downright funny. The predator hunting shows like Predator Quest and Pigman are fun to watch, and I cant get enough of that over dramatized deer farm show Conquest 200 or whatever it is. When I see guys catching fawns with epic drama music put to it, its so ridiculous I cant take my eyes off it. Ill still watch Bone Collector and a couple of others too. I get the most enjoyment watching the "educational" shows like Deer and Deer Hunting, etc.
  18. No. I was looking into it, as I had the idea that I wanted to fly a drone over a few corn fields and actually get an idea of how many deer really hide out in them during the day. I had no intentions of going after the deer that day or trying to use the drone to drive them out of the field, I just wanted to see whats in there. I was going to do it on a snowy day so they would be easy to spot from a hundred feet up or so. They deemed it illegal, so I wont even bother unless I know noone is hunting at the farm that day and I have no hunting equipment with me.
  19. Heres where they addressed drones. http://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/wildlife_pdf/16biggame.pdf
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