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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Interesting. Id like to see the DEC ruling on them as well. I wouldnt be interested in using them, as the additional mechanics to it just seems unnecessary.
  2. Yes they still make them https://veteranip.com/atom-broadhead/
  3. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.dec.ny.gov/images/wildlife_images/broadhd.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/8305.html&h=307&w=500&tbnid=BLbdGpBO_MW0JM:&tbnh=129&tbnw=211&usg=__x0EPOyqbHw29beEfxSsU8KX4qqg=&vet=10ahUKEwjU-bX5__fWAhVB4SYKHZH7DF8Q9QEILDAA..i&docid=U2jcJLNGSjB3OM&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjU-bX5__fWAhVB4SYKHZH7DF8Q9QEILDAA
  4. They DO NOT allow anything that goes past 90 degrees. Look on the DEC site. That picture says a barbed requirement. NY has the opposite of a requirement.
  5. If they stay locked, as they advertise, they are barbed and illegal in NY. The reason barbed broadheads are illegal is because you cant pull them back out once they are in. The head on those is spring loaded, so after the initial hit, the tip pops back and is no longer depressed, which locks the blades. Seems to me, that means they are barbed. I would want a letter in my pocket from DEC saying they are legal.
  6. I actually want to get mine dipped in Predator Fall Grey. My strings are orange with the ghost servings, bow riser and limbs are camo, quiver is camo and black and the sight, rest and stabilizer are black. Bow sling is orange, black and blue. Arrows have white and blue fletchings with the orange heads. I wouldnt be able to bring myself not to buy the orange heads, this is where my tendancy to be cheap meets my OCD and loses miserably lol.
  7. Are those real Rages or the China-Rage knockoffs? I have heard nothing but good things about the China knockoffs. You wont regret it, I tried Rage heads when they first came out. Hated the rubber bands, so I went back to fixed and stuck with them till last year. I picked up a pack of Rage Crossbow X heads because they were orange, and that matched the color scheme on my bow (yeah yeah laugh it up, I cant help my OCD lol) and I wanted to try the new version with the shock collars. I dont regret it at all. They perform amazingly. Just bought 2 more packs so I can use them with my crossbow as well and have some spares
  8. We have never seen that happen. In previous years we have had turnips the size of volleyballs and basketballs (flattened out a bit of course), and they sit there pretty much untouched until they rot in the spring. The difference though, may be in the amount of AG we have in our area. The deer do not have any time where they dont have lots to eat. I know down your way there isnt as much AG going on anymore, so maybe the deer seek whatever forage is left in the plots.
  9. I have found that the size bulbs you are getting are just about perfect. Once they get larger than baseball or softball size, they get pretty woody and the deer (at least on our place) dont eat them. They become a feast for the woodchucks and rabbits and then rot. 15" greens and smallish turnip bulbs are perfect in my eyes.
  10. Wish I could play hooky again today but there’s work to be done. Last night I was kicking myself for changing stands. I sat and watched a parade of deer walk out into the bean field within 35 yards of the stand I was in for the morning, including my #1 hit list buck. I ended up having a couple of small does come by my stand at 15 yards and a flock of 30 turkeys walk by. I watched 3 bucks sparring out in the beans and a ton of does mill around. Oh well, it was nice to see so many deer and great to see my #1 make an appearance in daylight. Hopefully that wasn’t his one slip up of the season. I’ll be back at it this weekend.
  11. Well the blind setup is a bust. Just no way to see the deer before they are on top of you. Need to reposition it. Slippedover to a stand that I haven’t used for a couple years. It’s always been a good evening sit.
  12. The wind picked up a bit here so I decided to head over to a groundblind I set up a couple of weeks ago. It’s sitting in an overgrown orchard on the downwind side of a corn and winter rye field. The farmer had to do some work to remove a falldown clog from the creek and the deer have been using the trail he left with the tractor. Lots of camera activity here in the afternoons.
  13. That’s what I’m dealing with today. Not a good thing for an all day sit.
  14. We are in Ontario county so there’s still hope lol. Something between 10 and 15 acres would be great. The big thing is 4 bedrooms. We’ve found 2 that would have worked but they sell quick when they hit the right price lol.
  15. Biz, you ever see the “My new haircut” videos on YouTube?
  16. Gel & Gnocchis! Bahahahaha I just scared everything within earshot away
  17. I bet he’s dying to log in and get caught up
  18. Geno still pops in here and there. He started up a business a couple of years ago and is usually too busy to do much on the internet.
  19. Local. Staying in the same school district. Need a bigger house and hoping to find something with more land. The bigger house part is more important though.
  20. Did some rattling and a few grunts. Had a young 6 come over to see what’s going on. 2 more does went by at about 50 after that.
  21. Doe fawn just came by while I was munching on some deer jerky
  22. Had a nice buck walk right under me when it was dark. A group of 3 does came by a bit after that. Turkeys have been gobbling like mad too.
  23. Up in my stand. I’ll be here all day. Deer everywhere on the drive over and about 10 pairs of eyes shining in my headlamp on the walk in. Perfect wind, nice and cold. Should be a great day.
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