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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. You here? You should try and use this thing thats available to everyone on the internet, its called Google, and it helps you find the information for yourself.
  2. I dont understand why you cant just look at stats other than PA, which I honestly dont buy into, and some that you are making up and assuming for what might happen in NY? The stats are out there, phade came up with Ohios fairly quickly. Your numbers are very skewed. Of course you are going to have large jumps in crossbow take when its first implemented. They will plateu after a few years and stay about the same after that.
  3. Can you post some links to back that statement up? I have quite a few reasons. Ive stated them all before, but Ill recap the biggest ones for ya. Im all about freedom of choice, and less shoving things down peoples throats. I realize that crossbows are just another form of archery equipment. They kill the same way, using the same power, at similar distances and they require the same level of woodsmanship skills to be a consistently effective tool. I see absolutely no reason to keep them separate. I know of quite a few people that cant draw legal weight for one reason or the other, but dont qualify for any aid or anything like that. They should be able to hunt. I also realize that one of these days I myself will get to a point where I cant draw a bow anymore, and I would still like to be able to hunt through my favorite deer season. I also know lots of guys that bow hunt that dont have the time to put the proper amount of practice in, but they go out there anyhow and make awful shots on deer year in and year out. They gut shoot them, lose them, leave them to lay and rot. I know that nothing in nature truly goes to waste, but those bad shots have a tendency of reflecting badly upon our sport. I would rather see those guys be allowed to use something that they can put deer on the ground with in an ethical manor. You can say those guys should practice more, and thump your chest until its black and blue, but its not going to stop it from happening.
  4. 0 to 58% in how many years? Not the doom and gloom you keep professing there chicken little.
  5. Come on phade, dont let silly things like facts get in the way of some good old fashioned chicken little stories!
  6. How can they figure it in? I can use my archery doe tag or either sex tag in any WMU I want. It could be a WMU I have never hunted and has a seriously low population of deer. Thats not good for management. They should all be the same as regular DMPs, set to a certain WMU.
  7. Plus, it erodes at the DEC's ability to properly manage the herd. Those doe tags can be used anywhere in the state, regardless of how many should be taken in the area they end up filled in.
  8. Just because it shoots an arrow doesnt make it archery. Ive already said a couple of times what I consider archery tackle. I dont need to repeat myself over and over.
  9. You wont win the argument with me because for one, Im not trying to win anything, and second, your side cant come up with a valid argument in my opinion. Facts are facts, and most of the arguments against crossbows are based upon opinion, not facts. You are more than welcome to whatever opinion you want as far as Im concerned, but when you spew utter nonsense, dont be shocked when someone with the real facts on the matter takes your opinion to task.
  10. LOL, you just cant stop yourself from making the leap from the DEC suggesting an early ML season (most likely before bow starts) on a very limited basis (only in WMUs that have an overpopulation problem) that happens on a year by year basis to saying the DEC wants to replace bow season with added gun season time. Classic.
  11. Its not archery equipment. No limbs, no string. Just another extreme that you and your ilk keep resorting to when your original argument has been torn down.
  12. You said that crossbow guys should have to deal with advances in technology just like vertical bow hunters did. My point is, that bowhunters were allowed to use the most advanced bow hunting technology of the day when the season was created. Why should crossbow guys not get the same deal? Whats really lame is the jealousy and all out falsities that guys like you spew just because you dont want to share the woods with others. On top of that, most of you say that out of one side of your mouth, and then complain about the waning participation in our sport out of the other side. Cant have it both ways.
  13. Ok, then why would you state that crosbow hunters should have to go through the technological advances the same as vertical bow hunters had to? They started out with the most advanced type of bow there was at the time.
  14. When bow season was first implemented, they made the latest and greatest legal right off the bat. Compounds didnt become available for @ 10 years after NY created archery season.
  15. Im just going to say that I disagree with that. Im also going to say that most hunters that I know dont just hunt with one weapon. Most bow hunters also hunt with guns. Personally I hunt with a little bit of everything, the only types of weapon that are currently legal that I havent killed a deer with would be a recurve or a crossbow.
  16. Ok, calm down and type so that everyone can understand you..... Some pretty substantial accusations you are throwing around there.
  17. So making things more and more complicated seems like a good way to try and gain participation in the sport?
  18. And you never answered the question, you just keep trying to spin things. Ill put the question in its own reply to keep from confusing you....
  19. Hunting isnt a competition, its a personal challenge type sport. You vs the animal, not you vs joe everybody. Also, why do you keep thinking that "everybody" is going to do this or that? Real data from states that have gone to full inclusion does not support your theory.
  20. How about you answer the question. Its not an if, it will happen.
  21. Blah blah blah. Its nothing but a doom and gloom tactic used in many anti crossbow conversations.
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