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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. It's been dead here besides the one buck and the turkeys. The wind picked up a bit and now not even the squirrels are moving. Debating if I want to stalk the corn field for a while. The only thing keeping me here is the camera info I looked at last night. Here's a pic from 40 yards away from here just a few days ago at 12:30ish.
  2. Just had 4 nice toms walk by at 15 yards. Bummer that the season is closed on them.
  3. Think about it guys, that fawn is a few weeks from getting the boot from its mother so she can go get her freak on with Tommy Tall Tines anyhow. They are pushed away this time of year and just join back up with the herd.
  4. I'll shoot the doe, then shoot the fawn that's with her if I have the chance and tag and it's not a button buck.
  5. My daughter has the HSS youth harness. Works great. Dicks, gander and F&S all carry them.
  6. Just had a monster 8 point walk through at @ 80 to 100 yards out. I grunted at him but he just kept walking.
  7. Back in the same stand I was in yesterday afternoon. Had a 1 1/2 year old 6 come in just before sunset last evening. Followed my scent drag in and walked back and forth deade broadside at 15 yards. I freshened things up this morning, hopefully something bigger will do the same thing.
  8. Up in my stand for the afternoon hunt. First hunt on this farm for this year. I'm sitting a stand that's about 40 yards off of a 80 acre corn field, in some mixed hardwoods with a strip of thicker stuff between it and the field. Both cameras in this are have been consistently picking up a lot of buck activity.
  9. Been in my stand since before sunup. Had a doe come through early. Never had a good shot. About an hour ago a small 6 chased a doe out into the food plot. They both hung out at about 50 yards or so. Gonna pack up and head to the other farm for the afternoon sit soon. It will be my first sit there. My buddy and his son hunted there once last weekend. That's. when it for that farm this year. Been driving down there glossing a lot and have seen tons of buck action. They are feeling nice and safe in there right now.
  10. First deer of the morning just came in. Little spike. He followed my scent drag right into my lane. Perfect. Now if his dad will come by and do that I'll be happy.
  11. Up in my stand waiting for sunrise. Feels very deery this morning. Saw 2 nice bucks on the way here. Real nice 10 crossing the road by ny house.
  12. I have a bit of rust starting on my 10 from where the original owner had some aftermarket chrome fender accents on it. He cut through the paint with the clips, now i have rust spots. I wish a deer would run out and take out the front fenders so I can get them replaced lol. $500 for both would be a steal!
  13. I see plenty of Chevys, Fords and Toyotas that get eaten up by the salt just the same as Dodges do up here. They have a completely different transmission in them than they used to back in the 90s and early 2000s. I dont know of any major issues with the newer ones, which are based off of the old Torqueflight transmissions of the 60s and 70s.
  14. I would burn an entire season patrolling it, pressing charges on people, taking stands, etc. After a year of that, you should be getting the point across. Posted signs on every tree on the line, etc as well. I have access to a property that butts up against state land, I know how it goes. It sucks to have to do, but some years I burn time hunting certain areas of the property where I can catch people coming onto it.
  15. Sounds like you built the wrong engine to me lol I have a buddy that had a 2003ish 3/4 ton Cummins that was built. Upgraded turbo, intercooler, injection pumps, propane and water injection, Bully Dog system, exhaust, all that. One day I raced him with my 10 Hemi Sport (390hp, tuned, exhaust) which is no slouch and he whooped me with a 25 foot beaver tail hanging off the back.
  16. I can see what you are saying. The beauty of full inclusion would be that you can choose to hunt with whichever bow you want for the whole bow season. Just like you can hunt with a muzzle loader or pistol during gun season. Both of which I used to do and was very successful doing it. When full inclusion comes around, Ill still be out there with my vertical bow. I will probably buy a crossbow at some point, but it wont be the only thing I use.
  17. The big boys are on the prowl around my area. I almost hit 3 of them last night on my way back from my daughters hockey practice. Not a very long drive between Canandaigua and Bristol Center either. All 3 were 3 1/2 or older with one right up the road from my house being an absolute pig that Ive been glassing all summer. He trotted right in front of me like I wasnt even there, and kept on going with his nose to the ground.
  18. That guy needs to have DEC called on him.
  19. His bow is cocked, you can see the string position in 3 of the pics
  20. I am sitting here at work waiting for tomorrow afternoon to get here. Ill be hunting Saturday morning, possibly Sunday morning, then I have Monday Tuesday and Wednesday off. All 3 days will be all day sits if I can help it. My lack of being able to put much time in the stand so far this year is driving me nuts lol. Damn work and moving keeps getting in the way of all my fun haha.
  21. I have gotten busted plenty of times maneuvering my gun during gun season by deer that are further away than they would have to be for a crossbow. Generally speaking, guns are easier to maneuver than a crossbow, which has the limbs sticking out, etc.
  22. This reminds me of the spotlighting threads. Anyone that spotlights is a no good poacher according to many on this site.
  23. Crossbows were a weapon of war when they were invented, just like vertical bows. They were used differently in battle. When it comes to hunting, they have virtually the same effective range as a vertical bow does. Each of the two has its up sides and down sides vs the other.
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