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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. LOL, sorry, gotta adhere to the original rules. If you have a Staples or something local, you could go print one. Maybe even the local library.
  2. I doubt the first thought that went through their head was to move the camera to get a better shot of the deer. They are out riding, not looking for injured deer to film lol. Its not a professional video or anything.
  3. Today is the last day to sign up! Ill start working on contest cards tomorrow. Each contestant will have their own thread in this section, and the contest card will be posted in their thread. I will also have the prize packages ready shortly, and will post up descriptions and pictures as soon as I have everything together.
  4. The same goes for your regular tags though. Id bet far more deer are shot and unrecovered from guys trying to fill regular tags than DDPs and DMAPs combined. I honestly dont see any issues with DMAPs, but havent had much involvement with DDPs, so I cant say much about those.
  5. DMAPs all have to be reported, etc. I think you are talking about DDPs or nuisance tags.
  6. Youd be wrong on that. Feel free to try again...
  7. I sure would. We have a DEC officer that has hunted the same property as us for the last 2 years. Hes not there to bust our chops, hes there to hunt, and thats what he does. He is very respectful of us we are respectful of him.
  8. Take your cursor off of the video window, you will see the deer at the top of the frame. The helmet cam is aimed right where it should be to film riding. Just in front of the wheeler.
  9. It could be modified depending on the WMU. Honestly, I dont even want to see EAB in this state.
  10. Thats different, people should control their dogs. If your dog is barking all day long, or whenever its outside, there are other issues. My dog barks but not constantly, and she is never out there barking after noise ordinances go into effect. I think I showed my view of neighborly respect when I said I would not shoot, etc if neighbors ar having an event, or something like that. Theres a line between showing respect to others and allowing others to disrespect you.
  11. Oh, I almost forgot, try to find a boat that has a cover and Bimini/camper tops that are in good shape. They are expensive to re-canvas.
  12. I used to have a BR when I lived in Florida. I went through alot of searching and advice about boats when I bought one down there. First, stay away from Bayliner, there are other brands that are much better boats. Theres a reason they are so cheap. Second, with any boat, as noted above, watch the stringers and floors for rot. Try to find a boat with fiberglass stringers if you can. Third, look at the electrical system, make sure you dont end up with a mess. Water and electrical dont play nice together. Fourth, check all of the seals and baffles in the out drive, as well as the transom seal. Ask when the last time the water pump in the lower was replaced. Seals too. I also prefer a Mercruiser or outboard setup to a Volvo/Penta and Cobra outdrive setup any day of the week. Think cheap parts availability and easy to work on (because you WILL end up working on it) Last, check the hull thoroughly. If you can get the boat off of the trailer. The bunks can hide damage. And remember, what boat really stands for.... Break Out Another Thousand
  13. Those are what Im going to once all of my Harvest Times are gone. Have to retune for them, as they will be a bit heavier than what I shoot now.
  14. Phade, you dont reuse your arrows? I have one thats been through 4 or 5 deer so far and its still my go to arrow. I put a dot on the fletching with a sharpie for each deer it gets.
  15. I think an 8x or 10x in Vortex glass would suit you very well. I have a pair of Nikons that lasted 1 year before the seal went and they got moisture inside of them, and a pair of Bushnells that do ok. When I replace the Bushnells it will be Vortex glass for me. I use their rifle scopes and they are awesome, great price, lifetime warranty and great glass. If you go out west, and want to see a long ways out, pick up a spotting scope to take along with your binos.
  16. I believe it would make people more choosy with the bucks they shoot. I personally know guys that knock down the first buck they see, doesnt matter what age, so that they have something in the freezer, then they trophy hunt with the second tag. If they know they only have one buck tag, many of them would choose to wait for a more mature deer. I also think it would be supported by more hunters than mandatory statewide ARs would. Has nothing to do with population control, you are ONLY going to control that through the antlerless take anyway. Actually, it has a little to do with population control, because it may entice more guys to fill a doe tag because they havent had a chance at a mature buck. Now, by getting rid of the statewide either sex tag, you would open up allocation of DMPs in areas that currently dont have any, or currently have very few. Remember, when they figure out how many doe tags to hand out for each WMU, they have to take that either sex tag into consideration. It makes the tough job of managing the herd on very large tracts of land, even more difficult. So in your case, you may have a better chance at getting a DMP for your camp than you do now, so you wouldnt have to go there and not hunt. Honestly, dont ask me what I think of your statement that you wouldnt take your sons to camp unless you have a tag to use yourself, thats a whole other topic.
  17. Or mandatory tag reporting (successful or unsuccessful) by the end of the season. No report, no tags next year....
  18. If its legal to shoot in my back yard, Im going to shoot when I want, for however long I want. Its nobody's right to tell me what I can and cant do on my property as long as I am adhering to local laws, regulations, ordinances, etc. Now if the neighbor is having a party, or some special event, yeah, Ill choose a different time to shoot so as not to disturb them. Otherwise, its really none of their business. I dont go around telling people what to do on their property, and I expect to be treated the same.
  19. Im not saying an EAB program where you have to shoot a doe before you can take your buck wouldnt be a good idea, but I think that a program where you would earn multiple buck tags each season would be a horrible idea. Like I said, Id like to see NY go to a one buck per season system. I really think it would make alot of hunters become more choosy about what they shoot.
  20. Speaking of meat, I really need to get my ass in gear with my sausage making this year lol
  21. Belo, if you really want to hunt better bucks, you have to do your part to keep the herd in balance. Think of all of the nutrition going to the overpopulation of does that could be going to more of your bucks, and therefore helping them to grow better racks.
  22. I see it too. Might have gotten hit by a car or something like that. Ive seen them act that way after being hit by a car, injured and stunned. Could have a brain injury from the hit.
  23. Possibly, but that type of an EAB program would do more harm than good IMO. They should get rid of the either sex tag and go to a one buck per season rule. They also need to get rid of that either sex tag because the doe can be taken anywhere in the state. Hand out DMPs only based on the need to take antlerless in each WMU. Between that and the new crossbow inclusion and setback changes, I bet we would see the numbers trend toward where they want them to be. Well, maybe not everywhere, but in some places.
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