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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. BTW, I think the MR2 costs about $50. Alot less expensive that the stocks, etc.
  2. I just saw this posted on FB... http://bearingarms.com/update-lancaster-ny-rifle-seizures-not-ny-safe-act-related/?utm_source=thdailypm&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl_pm "He stated that the two carbines confiscated from the impounded vehicle were confiscated in order to perform a ballistics test, to see if either firearm can be matched to the slug that struck the building. If the 9mm bullet recovered from the building is matched to the Beretta Storm carbine, then the owner of that rifle is likely to find himself battling a felony reckless endangerment charge. Captain Laurienz said that the owner of the AR-15 equipped with the AR MR2 device will likely have his rifle returned to him once it has been ruled out as the weapon that fired the shot." I know its not exactly what we were talking about, but it looks like the MR2 does make the AR15 safe act compliant, even with the pistol grip, etc. Thats a good tidbit to know. Just replace your magazine catch and youre good to go! No need to put some hideous stock on it, have your barrel recrowned to get rid of the muzzle device, or even separate your upper and lower.
  3. Mines not too tough to figure out. I actually just wanted WNYhunter, but it was taken, so I threw the Buck in there.
  4. I use Vortex scopes with Mil Dot reticules. Helps me judge holdover the way I like to. I run a 2.5-10x44 on my ML.
  5. Do you guys use a suspension lock like Culver is talking about? I have a pair of discs like you are describing too.
  6. LOL, how many of them were on guided hunts? Honestly, if you are paying a guide, he should be making sure you are playing by the rules, its part of the deal. Otherwise, what good is he really? I know when/if I go on a guided hunt, I probably wont be aware of every single little game law, so Ill be trusting that the guide will point out something like I drew blood on a bear, and cant shoot another one.
  7. They arent that heavy. Id rather carry an extra pound than die hanging from a tree lol.
  8. Exactly. That old boy got to live longer than most do. They all die at some point...
  9. You mean when he hunted over bait while on a guided hunt? While he should have known the laws, Id say the guide should carry the majority of the blame for that one. anyhow, back to the turkey vid...
  10. I think a couple of the lawyers over on NYF have addressed it before. Ill see if I cant find it when I have some time to dig. IIRC, they said theres nothing that can be done according to how the law is written. You could take it a step further though, and remove the pistol grip from the lower as well. Its just one screw. They can write you a ticket for damn near anything though, you just have to fight it in court.
  11. Theres no law against components at this point. Thats all the two halves are until you assemble them.
  12. Great find! Looks to me like he lived a nice long life. The mass on that ol boy is redonk!
  13. Must......resist.....smartass......remark......
  14. They cant charge you with planning to reassemble it. Sure, its useless until the safe act is overturned in some way or SHTF, and the safe act means nothing anyway. Takes you all of a minute to make it usable.
  15. A torque converter setup, I like it...hmmmm. How is the rear suspension for discing, etc?
  16. We have lots of areas where we just dont want to take the tractor, so we use wheelers and side by sides to disc, etc. I have thought about a side by side, they are just so pricey.
  17. Any of them can plow snow, its the pulling of discs, etc that concerns me with the belt drive.
  18. Called out for what? Get over yourself bub. Im still allowed to have an opinion of my own. I was quiet because I have other things going on with my life than sitting here debating what you guys think I can and cant say on this forum. The owner of the site put that debate to bed a long time ago, so there really is no debate to be had. Regardless, are you just going to leave your lame personal shot stand instead of answering the question? I probably know the answer....
  19. Yep, just take the upper off of the lower, using the two take down pins and theres no need to register anything.
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