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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. One guy I know went to Iowa last year and shot a very nice buck, 4.5 years old and around 160+ inches. He shot that deer smack in the middle of the rut while it was chasing a doe. I got 10 lbs of the meat, and let me tell you, it tasted just as delicious as any young buck or doe I have ever eaten. When you kill that buck, please remember how many does they tend to breed and how many future deer you are taking out of the pool. I dont always agree with NYantler, but hes got it right, you ARE pretty darn entertaining.
  2. Theres much better "horn porn" out there than this stuff. Ever see the magazine "Racks"?
  3. Im not talking about PA. Besides, theres a difference between killing too many does and killing the right amount of them. Killing too many will end up with results similar to killing none at all.
  4. Brushbuster, heres the problem with your theory, if you leave 20 does in an area that holds 5 bucks, and the carrying capacity of the land is 22 deer, then what happens when you do not shoot does? Ill tell you what happens, they eat up all of the food and there is not enough nutrition available for the bucks to survive, let alone grow a decent set of antlers. Add to that the number of fawns born in the area, and less than half of them are bucks, now you have MORE does. Eventually, you are going to have less and/or less healthy deer with smaller racks and less meat on them. You also have the chance of disease going up, car/deer accidents rise and lots of other issues. When the deer eat all of the browse from 5 feet and down, it affects other species as well. Herds NEED to be managed by hunters, which includes the killing of does.
  5. Carhartt makes some nice, warm insulated pants. Just dont get the brownish tan ones.
  6. LOL Steve. Ive stated my opinion on the pic and will wait to see some real proof if it ever pops up.
  7. I just dont agree with you. I have plenty of experience with photoshop and hacking up pics to bust chops at work. It just doenst look like its been altered to me. I have no stake in the picture and could really care less.
  8. I can vouch for that. It does suck.
  9. Yes it is, like I said, zoom in, youll see the folds in the jacket and the way his arm is bent.
  10. split, did you guys do state land or get permission for private land?
  11. I split these out, that thread isnt for rumor deer or someone else's, its for member's kills.
  12. Open it outside of the browser and zoom in, its not photoshopped.
  13. I would call Moultrie and find out why. My Moultries give you avi files.
  14. Both great deer! Congrats to you guys. The brows on the second one are ridiculous!
  15. Open the picture outside of your web browser and zoom in, you can see its not photoshopped, the arm looks like it doesnt line up because of the angle of his elbow and the way the folds in the jacket are. I dont think its faked. Whether or not the story behind it is true or not, I dont know.
  16. Brush, that's what I've read before. That says nothing about an additional week just for crossbows like was said. Thanks though.
  17. I beg your pardon, but you sir are the one who is wrong. In our area (western NY) we had the exact conditions that I described and Culver did as well. Ask some of the older guys from around here about the deer yards and huge, out of control herds back in the 80s and 90s. The deer were in numbers far beyond the sustaining capability of the land. Maybe Doc will chime in, he remembers it. Like Culver said, read up a little on it and open your mind to the possibility that the way you were taught is not correct.
  18. Look I'm not insulting you. Just pointing out that you are throwing out a whole bunch of assumptions about things you admit to not knowing about. Rather than say "oh I didn't know that" or attempt to learn about what you are talking about, you just make what seem to be excuses and on you go with the same stuff. I don't understand why you have to say joining was a mistake instead of taking the time to learn about new things. Sorry of you took it the wrong way, but I never said anything that was an insult. Im not a "sour man" at all, I just call things as I see them.
  19. Have her start spending some time with the weights. Some good strength training for her shoulders and back and she should be able to draw in no time. She should get to the point where she can draw at least 40 to 45 lbs without a problem before she starts hunting. Just my opinion.
  20. Again, can you post some verification of this? Quote the part of the law that says that.
  21. Ahhhhh, cherry pick the comment and attack. Typical. I dont necessarily agree with AR, but from what I have seen of your logic concerning does, I completely disagree with your line of reasoning. Doe numbers need to be controlled, otherwise you end up with a situation like you had in the late 80s and early 90s where deer were so overpopulated, they ate themselves out of food and began starving. The land is only capable of sustaining a certain number of animals. To allow them to overpopulate is just as bad as over hunting them.
  22. Actually, the most important part of what you said was "All we can assume". The "I dont know" IS however, important because it just points out that you are spouting off without any knowledge of what you are talking about. Thanks for clearing that up. Now, your further comparison of deer farming and wild deer being shot is just more of your way off base assuming. With deer farming, you have deer with a pretty extensively documented lineage, so you breed deer that have the best chances of carrying the traits you are looking for. You simply pick the best bloodlines and mix them to make big antlers. There is no possible way of doing this in a wild deer herd. Period.
  23. I have been seeing them following does, but have yet to witness full on chasing. I think we are into the seek phase and it will be a bit longer before the chasing begins. It is a great time to be in the woods. I have 2 more days of work, then Im off for 4.
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