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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Northcountryman

  1. No doubt. Where I grew up , way upstate, there were alot of em and you could hear them screaming all the time in the woods at night. Kinda sounds like a woman, right?
  2. They look like they do the job, for sure, but may be kinda hard to put on and take off. How much for a pair?
  3. Ok, lemme think about it for a bit; Might be interested.
  4. See my earlier post ,please; also, Aluminum or Steel?
  5. 20? If its 20, then Im interested. Can you do me a favor and weigh just to make sure and send a pic , perhaps? Thanks
  6. Why dont you want it? How much does it weigh?
  7. Just imagine being alive 230-240 yrs ago out on the frontier. I was watching a FOX Nation special a few yrs ago about a famous frontiersman (although I cant remember his name right now ) who lived out in the wilderness an entire year by himself. He nearly died from exposure and starvation but made it back to civilization in the spring; my question is "how?"
  8. If this were the case, then, to me, hunting as a sport would lose its luster and would , eventually, feel more like a chore if its a given youre going to score each time.
  9. So many times, I have read of Big bucks bedding in areas right near a road, sometimes near busy interstate entrance/exit ways , etc. , cuz they seem to figure out that , despite the proximity to busy traffic, people actually dont really go into those places. Only thing they have to worry about is getting hit, I guess
  10. Senile? I think youre confusing Trump with Biden!!
  11. I agree; theyre behavior is almost Crepuscular, like deer, right?
  12. I like to squirrel hunt after deer season is through , primarily because I just cant hang up the guns quite yet and accept the fact that huntings over till next November!! Just today, I read an article in Game & Fish on Squirrel hunting in which the Author states that hunting is actually best late morning and early afternoon this time of year. Im assuming this is so because its mid-winter at this point and too cold early and late for Squirrels so they wait for the woods to warm up a bit. From my experience, however, squirrels have been plenty active early in the am , maybe not crack of dawn like deer , but early enough. I like to get into the woods around 8am and hunt till about noon, normally because for me, afternoons typically havent been as productive; what say you?
  13. Agree 100% with you and couldnt have stated it better myself! Question: you say you are against conditioning deer to alter their behavior in an effort to bring them toward you, right? How do you feel about employing the opposite approach? In other words, trying to push them away from you or redirect them towards others?
  14. For me, its tradition more than anything; also, makes me feel close to my Grandfather whom I miss every day since his passing in '98
  15. Shooting deer from your vehicle is also a big no-no IMHO. I dont mind speed scouting in the truck, now , but that is the limit. Also, shooting deer in the yard.
  16. About 3 months, then. I know that he rubbed some the wrong way, but I liked Grouse.
  17. You know, it just occurred to me that I havent seen Grouse on here in awhile; anyone know what happened to him? Does he still post?
  18. That sounds pretty good ; unless theres a major snowstorm or other emergency, Im there.
  19. Oh, so the card doesnt get full then where you gotta truck in and replace?
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