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Everything posted by stubborn1VT

  1. Sorry Larry. Forgot you were the expert. I have seen maybe a hundred trail camera pictures of coyote pairs. It is possible that the animal in the back is a fawn. If so, why is the coyote stock still? There are limits due to photo quality, but the second animal also looks two toned to me. What the heck do you see that makes it a fawn? I may not be Two Buck Larry, but my eyesight is better than good.
  2. The scale still doesn't make sense. Looks like a female coyote to me. Guess we'll never know.
  3. I can kinda see that, but if even if that is a 40lb fawn then that makes it a 150lb coywolf on the hunt ?
  4. I'd like a sweet over/under Beretta, even though I don't bird hunt or shoot skeet or trap. They just look and feel like quality.
  5. Nomad has returned! And he killed a good'rn. (Or at least posed with one for pics.)
  6. I know an old timer that hunted some of the "bigger" woods in VT. I asked him about scents like Tink's etc. He believed in curiosity scents and swore that he would put vanilla or peanut butter up against any store bought scent, even on big bucks. He thought that deer that had to travel to find other deer would check out any scent along the way.
  7. Still seems case specific, rather than an indicator of the overall value/lack of. All things in moderation. I rarely use the stuff, but I would hesitate to discredit it because "I know a guy".
  8. Seems like a case of blaming the gear or the tactic vs the hunter.
  9. It is made from natural scents taken from the owner's farmed deer herd. It works as well as any other scent IMO.
  10. My long lost does have finally returned to my plot at the house. I have a full freezer and no tag, but it is fun to watch them from the house. Watched 6 the other morning. No bucks yet. I'm guessing I will see one during muzzleloader season, but I won't have a buck tag then either. I despise Vermont's "one buck" law. From what I have seen all year, deer numbers are down. The state keeps handing out antlerless permits though.
  11. Honest question: What would be the advantage of a .44 Mag vs a 30-30? The lever action would be way more reliable than a semi, but why a bigger/slower bullet?
  12. Sounds like an excuse for more toys IMO. I wear hearing protection when I practice. I can handle the one round it takes to kill a deer. If rifle fire is too disruptive in the area you are hunting, then I suggest you switch to a quiet, lethal crossbow.
  13. I don't hunt close to any houses. I can see it would make sense in a suburban setting, or if you hunt at night. Seems unnecessary to me in most situations.
  14. I didn't read that at all. I don't see the necessity for supressors. To each his own.
  15. Maybe try a little calling? Hope it's your day. Some action at least.
  16. Good deal Rob. Hope the bucks cooperate this week. Even if they don't - have a great vacation.
  17. A muzzle brake and a supressor are very different things. Maybe do a little research. One is quiet and one is LOUD.
  18. I'm watching from the sidelines here in VT. I hunted fairly hard for 5 days and saw about 20 does and a tiny spikehorn before shooting the first (small) 6 point that I saw. I'm thankful for a full freezer and satisfied that I made a great offhand shot. Hoping to hear that Rob tagged a rifle buck! Best of luck to Cabin Fever and TF and all the other grinders who could use some venison in the freezer. Enjoy the experience everyone. If you sit or track or drive deer, if you use a compound or a crossbow, a slug gun or a rifle, if you hunt every minute or weekends, if you hunt on public or managed private ground: we have that drive IN COMMON. Thanks for being part of the hunting tribe. I wish you luck and the awe inspiring sights and sounds of the outdoors.
  19. Congrats to everyone who scored. Waiting on pics from Paula. Swamp Bucks got some instant karma for helping Redneck get on some public land deers! Upstate and Biz just couldn't wait! Dino got back from his trapping adventures in time to tag a buck. Hockey did what he does. My best to everyone I forgot and all the hunters who are out celebrating opening day.
  20. When pulling, you will run out of traction long before you run out of power. Old tractors are a good example of weight, torque and (low) horsepower. ATVs are not made to pull. Any honest dealer will let you know that. I'm not saying you can't use them for a little bit of everything, but they're made for trail riding. I'm not against the bigger motor, but it won't make any real difference beyond the weight.
  21. Quick sit on the plot here at my house. Checked the camera before I left. Daylight pics of fawns, a decent buck after dark last Friday, a coyote this morning before I got in the blind. I will take care of a few things around the house and head back to the farm around lunchtime. Good luck all.
  22. Catching up on a couple days of rifle hunting in Vermont. It hasn't exactly been slow, but I'm not seeing any rut activity. I suspect the big boys are in lockdown, but what do I know... Highlight of the last few days was watching a doe and fawns at 4-5 yards. They were feeding on raspberry bushes and grass in the edge of a power line. I was 14' up in a cedar. The doe finally winded me and bounded off, but didn't blow. Saw an 80lb spikehorn that was out "cruising". Sat on my plot here at home this evening. No deer at all today. Cams are pretty slow. The good news is that I can hunt as much as I want. Quick sit here in the morning, then probably back to the farm for more hours in the ladder stands.
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