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Everything posted by stubborn1VT

  1. For a guy who comes off as intelligent, you don't seem to have a grasp of numbers. I'm not interested in cause of death, but the increase in deaths in the US sure as heck came from somewhere. The increase is in black and white. Even Faux News reported it. A 2% increase would be within historical standards. I'm done if you can't use facts to support your argument.
  2. Or the death rate increased by 17%. But please, bitch about the supply chain and inflation while just living your life. Whatever. People picking and choosing when to be part of society and when to be a selfish individual.
  3. Unless you are one of the 800,000 dead or you are currently on a ventilator, or have long term effects, or give a single care about spreading it to somebody who is vulnerable. I get it and it's a nice idea, but it really isn't quite that simple.
  4. I own a bunch of older DR stuff and have done a ton of work with it. The company was bought by Generac and they gutted any semblance of customer service. I can still get parts through a local dealer, but I wouldn't consider buying anything new from them. There a bunch of horror stories/reviews on Google, including people that paid for equipment online and were still waiting for shipping 6 months later with no updates from DR. I would buy something used, but I would steer clear of dealing with the company.
  5. Depends on what he's hunting. I know he's a fan of the 7mm-08, but he often uses a .300 Win Mag for elk.
  6. I don't get where you think I'm jealous of you. I'm totally satisfied with my hunting. I never said you didn't earn it. Insecure much? I could care less what you shoot. You do come on here and run it about what others shoot. You've done it in the last 24 hours. That's a fact. You don't bring anything positive to the forum IMO. You can barely post a single thing without bragging. The last thing I am in jealous of someone who plays tough guy on the internet. For all I know you're a 64 year old woman who shoots fawns with a crossbow over bait. I'm done with it. Just thought you might like to know you come off like a tool and I'm not alone in this opinion.
  7. Oh I'm all good. I just can't figure out why you're even on this site. You know it all and you have plenty of comments on other hunters. You confuse opinion and fact. You manage to brag, showing you need someone else's approval. I don't agree with what everyone else does, but me writing about it on the internet isn't going to change them. You don't bring anything to the site that I can see. I guess I shouldn't have bothered to respond at all. I just think you're on here to make yourself seem like a big deal and that's sad.
  8. Just writing about your attitude in general on this site. Pound your chest, you're the best, nobody else can do what do, look down on people with less time, drive, opportunity or experience. To top it off you try to tell other hunters why they hunt. Maybe you don't realize you're doing it. Maybe you're just a dick. Dunno.
  9. More like the misconception that you are in sole possession of the facts. It has nothing to do with having big balls, just an inflated opinion of yourself. You make moderate sense if you stick to the facts. I happen to know some world class hunters, including the Benoits. The one thing that they all have in common is that they are humble and are secure enough that they don't have to brag or put other hunters down. Happy New Year boss.
  10. I believe it's about shoulder blades and tough angles. I'm puzzled people have a problem with heavy arrows. I look at it like magnum rifles. Better a bit too much than too little. Ranch Fairy is a bit over the top, but he is trying to test arrows and broadheads in a scientific manner. He takes a boatload of grief for it. His goal is to help bow hunters kill/recover a higher percentage of game. Everyone is an expert, but I don't know of anyone who has put in the work that he and Ed Ashby have. The Hunting Public drank the Kool-Aide too. You can shoot Twizzlers and flappers and kill deer, but you can't say you have scientific proof that they will work better than heavier arrows with durable cut-on-contact heads. I wonder how many shoulder hit deer would have bit the dust if the industry never pushed speed and mechanical broadheads.
  11. I've kinda given up waiting for ice. I could hunt some up if I drove far enough. I'm hoping for days above freezing with very little wind so I can take my boat out.
  12. Forgot the new season was out. I don't know what makes this show enjoyable, but it is.
  13. My father-in-law has hunted out of an elevated, enclosed blind for 20+ years and has never had a mouse problem. He build a smaller, similar blind and tucked it into some cedars on the ground. It's such a mouse motel that he won't even hunt out of it. Says it needs to be burned. Take it for what it's worth. I'd be interested to hear what others have experienced with elevated blinds.
  14. Went out yesterday on Champlain in my little open boat. Foggy as heck, but calm and warm out. Never had to wear gloves the whole day. Set two riggers and had my first salmon in 15 minutes. They were all little guys, but that bodes well for the future. Ended up with 8 lakers and 4 salmon. Not bad for a solo trip in December!
  15. Last I know they all rusted, but go ahead and bash one brand. SMH. I have a 2007 and it needs bedsides and the rockers could use a little work. That is almost 13 full Vermont winters, salt, brine etc. Sure, the bedsides are shot. What do expect? My buddy's Dodges are rusted out. The farm's Fords are rusted out. My 17 year old Toyota was rusted out. Go figure. It doesn't bother me that you badmouth Chevy, but the way you do it with a total lack of awareness is a marvel.
  16. One of the factors in rattling IMO is deer density/buck:doe ratio. I think you and I hunt in very different areas HornHunter!
  17. Glad you have ammo. To each his/her own, but in 30+ years I have never found a time when I needed a second round faster than I could work a bolt action. Part of that is my style of hunting. I'm cheap. You could save significant money on a bolt, even a wrong handed one.
  18. The only time I "rattled in" a buck was when building a permanent stand. Was starting nails in 2x4s for steps. Had them stacked up and they were bouncing as I hammered the nails in. A decent 5 point came charging out of the bedding area, bristled up. He circled me and came closer, head down. I was kneeling down, so he didn't know what to make of me. He spooked at 15 yards or so. I was getting ready to chuck the hammer at him. I tried for years after that with a rattling bag and never got one to commit. Couldn't bring myself to bring a couple 2x4s with me to the stand to "rattle" with.
  19. Good topic. I use a Heater Body Suit. (A camo sleeping bag with legs). It doesn't have a heater in it, just traps body heat. I have spent more hours on stand using it and that has allowed me to kill more deer. Zipper finally gave up after 10+ years. I contacted the company looking for suggestions. They told me to mail it to them and they would install a new zipper for free. #2 Bushnell Elite rifle scope. Not the best glass, but it has Rain Guard baked into the lenses. It stays clear in wet conditions, doesn't fog like other scopes and clears easily if you get snow in it. I haven't used scope covers in many years.
  20. I believe Luberhill is looking at longer shots. Any reason why you have narrowed it down to .243? Why a semi? There are lots more calibers and actions out there that would do the job for less money and perhaps with better ammo availability.
  21. I'm sure others will chime in, but the answer is Yes. I don't run them, but I know a guy who has half his family receiving email notifications from his cell cams. Think he said his limit was 12 people. Not sure if it the same for text notifications.
  22. Have yourself a day TF! Lots of folks rooting for ya.
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