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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Hunter007

  1. I'm not posting to this topic any more let someone else smarter then me figure it out.
  2. I think because of the large area you are dealing with unless you track stalk deer I don't think anything you do to the land will make much of a noticeable difference.
  3. No thanks Let me be a little more specific I want either take down bolt action or lever action gun in 30-06 Even a single shot is fine . A want classic looking firearm. So far it's the Browning blr 81 stainless take down I like anyone got one are they good guns
  4. sorry that was ment for someone else But look up Archer's paradox And you will see the difference between a arrow and a bolt But what ever if crossbows get in all archery so be it . Not going to loose any sleep over it Shzz If I new I was going to take this much crap over it i would have not even said anything . I'm done with this topic . Sorry if you crossbow Enthusiast took it the wrong way. I sincerely was not trying to offend anybody .
  5. Get a slow motion video of one flying throw the air and i will show you the difference arrows flex Crossbow bolts don't . I would give you a more detailed explanation but I don't think you have the mental ability to understand it . You only know one thing look through scope pull trigger dead deer .
  6. I'm sorry you feel that way but do you really need all of archery season to kill a deer with a crossbow? I understand having a little longer season but come on it's a crossbow.
  7. Btw even the cheep crossbows with scopes you can hit close to bullseys every time off a rest at even 40 50 yards . Especially with the high end crossbows if one practiced just a little new the exact range with rangefinder I believe it would be know probably to consistently hit the kill zone of a deer at 100 yards in a open field with one .
  8. Besides there is a lot more chance of someone accidentally shooting someone with a crossbow then a tradition bow . You would get some guys walking around the woods with them cocked shooting at anything that moves on state land just will make you that much more nervous to in some places. That is one of the reasons people get into traditional archery.
  9. You would think different if you hunted one of the popular state land parks used by hunters .
  10. And what about them using crossbows as a excuse to ban guns from being used for deer hunting you don't think that will be proposed . Later on . I bet some politician already writing it up as we speak You remember this one you don't need 10 bullets to kill a deer . Next will be you don't need any bullets to kill a deer just use a crossbow. I mean you guys want a little longer season I sympathize with you but don't get carried away
  11. Don't know who you are talking to but How can something that has double the range that anyone can learn to shoot so easily not have a impact on deer take a lot more then a tradition bow ? very few can shoot well with a traditional bow or even a compound bow and that is why you see less of them around . You don't think this is logical it's common sense. Don't more deer get killed by long gun then pistol? Or muzzle loader why is that for the same logical reason . So why would anyone who wants to hunt with a recurve compound bow gun or muzzle loader. Want that if it's going to effect there season negatively? Just more logic for you . I think most places are over hunted as it is . Especially state land. Why mess it up even more with more pressure in the early season . And another reason not to do it is it helps the anti gun movement in the state . They will start saying why do you need a gun to hunt deer at all . when you can just use a crossbow . I still remember when anti gun trolls were saying : No one needs 10 bullets to kill a deer . That could be there plan long term in this state . All they need is a excuse . Why help them along . Unless maybe you are one of those anti gun trolls posing as a hunter . Wouldn't surprise me from the talking points I here on this topic . Is it possible you don't know the difference between a bow and a crossbow and call your self a bow hunter . Or maybe you are not allowed to own a gun because your a criminal? Sounds a lot like something a liberal gun troll would say about the difference between guns no clue what a semi automatic is. How much more logical can I be you got your season all ready know need to mess up everyone else's season stop being greedy . Or try and get longer one after gun season when every one else has had there turn .
  12. There are crossbows that acually use AR 15 parts lol https://www.americanrifleman.org/articles/2010/9/7/pse-tac-15/ What more can you say lol There market is not archery enthusiasts it's gun owners obviously .
  13. Stop spreading urban legends lol Maybe you could get Bruce Jenner to support your cause . He is confused to lol the only other reason. Why dec let in crossbows is because hunting licenses have been going down . It's money thing . It's simple if the popularity of crossbows grows they become a money maker for sales of more licenses. And anything that helps them sale more hunting licences will be considered. If they think it's going to make them more money the fact that it's not really a, bow will be over looked . So don't fool yourself. With this crossbow is a bow to bs . Yea and Bruce Jenner is really a woman lol With a few extra parts lol
  14. Because for about 10,000 years the definition of what a bow was , is A bow that shoots arrows Not a gun stock with gun trigger and gun scope that you can attached a gun bipod that shoots bolts . Maybe I'm just old fashion . You probably think Bruce Jenner is truly a woman to right . just because he says so. I get it now. You win Well I feel my shotgun is a bow to then . And my 30 -06 feels like a, muzzle loader. You want a longer season fine but at least admit that a crossbow is different weapon then a bow . And I would support a longer crossbow season after gun season .
  15. I like the idea of a longer crossbow season after gun season actually.
  16. What I'm talking about is a take down In a big game cal like 30-06 I know the make the ruger 10/22 like that . But nothing in a big cal for some reason that I can find
  17. Just wondering what she was wearing and if she new her neighbor was deer hunting near her area not that it excuses what this idiot did.
  18. Things like this are why I don't mind hunting shotgun only areas not that a idiot couldn't figure out a way to do something like this anyway .
  19. I think moving around and sound while you are pissing is the only thing that would spook a deer the woods is full of animal piss and crap from every living thing that lives there . What is one more piss sent going to do unless you do it as a deer is, looking in your dirction or hears it .
  20. Yea go back to school new law treats crossbows as a "muzzleloader." Hunters must possess a muzzleloaderhunting privilege to legally hunt with a crossbow during any muzzleloader season OR during open portions of the early bowhunting seasons. Go talk to new york State about it then lol ar·cher·y ˈärCH(ə)rē/ noun the sport or skill of shooting with a bow and arrows, especially at a target. Bow's don't have gun stocks pistol grips gun type trigger gun scopes and gun bipods . When some one says I'm going to shoot my bow Nobody thinks they mean crossbow and you know it .
  21. Most modern crossbow hunters incorrectly refer to the bolts as arrows, due to the similar appearance, but the physics of how a bolt finds its target are different than that of an arrow used in a verticalbow. Crossbows can also be adapted to shoot lead bullets or rocks, in which case they are called stone-bows. Crossbow is a crossbow
  22. I don't think it bothers them the woods is filled with the piss and crap of all the animals that live there .
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