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Everything posted by WNYTRPR

  1. Uh ,I thought that was a pretty legitimate thought ?
  2. Lotta money to be the 5th crew of the season to hunt it .By then ,and depending who hunted it and how ,could be a huge waste of money .I guess timing would be everything.
  3. That’s brilliant .you’re right !
  4. A trophy to me is big mature bucks.Whacking anything other doesn’t excite me .
  5. I’m right with you lol .my all time favorite truck is the Tacoma .I may or may not have a Tacoma sport in the works soon LOL .
  6. They just line up at the garage for me .
  7. I’m sure it depends on the kids and their backgrounds also .Good parents I believe will stand behind the teacher .I would if they came to me and said my kid was not acting the way they should be .My one friend who is in a administrative position ,deals with kids from the inner city in California.it’s a nightmare he says .here’s our message recently lol
  8. I have the opportunity for a Ford discount as my BIL is a Forman there .I’ve yet to ever take that offer up .If I did it would be on the Raptor.
  9. I still remember a few years back ,I was stalking a doe in the thick stuff ,I was pressed up against a tree trying not to move .I had a spike walk down the trail I was on ,and I stayed completely still .He actually walked by me ,literally rubbed his body up against my broadhead and continued on .Just a dumb spike story lol If I was truly starving or hard up for food ,I’d shoot one .if it was my kids first deer ,I’d let them shoot it ,me myself would never shoot a spike again .And I have no issue with someone filling their tags with one either .That’s just my personal outlook on it .
  10. Equivalent to a spikes age in the animal work ,spike bucks gotta be one of the dumbest creatures out there .
  11. Assuming you’re a teacher ,what are your complaints ?my info is derived from very conservative types of teachers mind you .
  12. Kids need to face stiffer consequences for their actions .Some schools coddle them and let them get away with way too much .Teachers need to stop inserting their political opinions on kids .It shouldn’t be allowed .I know trying to discipline kids makes it tough for the teachers due to the fact many parents these days act as if their child is perfect .Some of the curriculum they have tried to implement in some schools is ridiculous.Totally brainwashing .Some of the overall changes that districts have put into place to cater to the woke groups are laughable .And then ,there are the schools now that allow males to play with females ect.i know that they have no choice also .Some of what I posted are complaints from teachers who have been in for over 30 years that I know .
  13. Quick question .Is a trophy Deer equivalent to a trophy Wife ?Just want to know if I’ve been lucky enough to have gotten both LOL .
  14. Like the idiots that shot the Bucks in Tonawanda,then tagged them as if they legally harvested them ?And then plastered it on social media ?lol .They need more than antlers in their life ,something else is missing .
  15. Ive definitely had more mature bucks come in clueless to what’s going on compared to many doe .At least during the rut .Like you said ,good scouting ,good wind ,time in the stand ,and proper execution will get you mature bucks .In the last so many years ,I’ve had more chances at mature bucks during rut than I’ve had at mature doe come early November .I don’t hunt food plots (besides apple orchards)My locations are woods /travel routes mostly
  16. I would never envy somebody over the size of antlers they harvest .Period .I’d be happy for them ,never envious .
  17. Many Schools and teachers are getting to be just as bad as the kids .I said many ,not all .
  18. Educated guess LOL.that’s Hochul in the pic .So I’m assuming it’s a NY school .
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