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predator calls

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I've been trying to call a red fox for the past month using mouth calls. There are a few old dens in the area and been trying near a new one. I've been kayaking to the spot every few days using different calls and different sounds , but just couldn't get one to come . This area is one of my favorite fox calling spots and I have called in quite a few near this spot last year.

I finally got one to come in today using a call that I never use. I varied the sounds on the call from bird, to rabbit , to rodent and even to pheasant . I don't know which one got him to initially head my way, but as he approached closer he became skittish and started heading away, and at the end the cottontail sound got him to turn and come closer..

I have a lot of calls, including quite a number of predator calls, and was wondering what predator calls hunter's on this site use .

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Rabbit in distress call will usually bring them in . A mouse squeak will also do the trick .

Use the "kiss of death" . Kiss the back of your hand to make a squeak call . I was checking my trail cams and saw a fox mousing in a field . I used the kiss of death and he came in on a dead run until he was about 25 feet away and spotted me .

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Posted Today, 02:54 PM

Rabbit in distress call will usually bring them in . A mouse squeak will also do the trick .

Use the "kiss of death" . Kiss the back of your hand to make a squeak call .

Me too and of all things the little squeeze bulb squeaker out of a dogs toy....seems to work pretty well...

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Fasteddie .. You're right the "kiss of death" really works. ( I like the term)..I've used it when they've come close. I've watched reds mousing a couple of times it's really amazing to watch how they pounce. Red Fox absolutely fascinate me

I do mouse/rodent squeaks also trilling my tongue to do bird distress calls and cupping most of my closed reed calls will do pheasant. All my calls will do rabbit

I prefer open reed calls because of their versatility, but use both open and closed reed calls.. I've called fox also with pheasant calls , duck calls, and turkey calls

.I did use a tape years back with rabbit distress and called in some gray fox.That was in the early 70's before they had the sophisticated equipment of todayI( I taped a 45 record with the rabbit sounds that I bought in the 60's). The E calls today are amazing, but I'm really just into the hand calls . I guess it's like some guys hunt with muzzleloaders and some like a modern centerfire rifle. Both are great and do the job, it's just preference. Also I can just put a call in my pocket go to a field, or woodlot, or head out in my kayak to fish, pull to shore and call crows, fox, or whatever, and not worry about ruining the call. I actually put various calls in my car pretty much everyday in case I get the bug to call.

I was wondering what brand calls that the predator hunter's use

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  • 2 weeks later...

My buddy that I pred hunt with has a Foxpro Spitfire, and weve called in fox with a bunch of calls, from lightning Jack to Baby rabbit distress, to bird distress calls. Even got one with a crow call. I currently run a Flextone Echo HD, and have called them in with woodpecker, cottontail and jack rabbit calls. I have a mouth call as well, its the one that the guys from Down Wind Outdoors use, I cant remember the name off hand, but I have called a couple of fox with it so far.

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I made a caller with an old tape player and tried calling yotes . All that came in were red fox and shooting them on my SILs property is a no-no . They chase the red fox on horseback with beagles in Geneseo .

I recall a guy on another site said he took the little squeaker thing out of a kid's toy , took a ball point pen apart , threw awat the ink cartridge and glued the squeaker into the bottom half of the pen . He could put the pen part in his mouth and blow to make the squeak . Try it out ......

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Fasteddie... I've made some calls with metal reeds and some with mylar.. I'll try the squeaker from a toy and put it.in a pen as you suggested

Thank you for the idea.

If you can find the right size pen , it makes a neat mouth call . Need he right one to put a lanyard on .

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