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Here lies Larry's lies


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Some background. I hunt 8h, same piece of farmland for over 24 years i guess. I have 25 acres or so of hardwoods, a 10 acre over grown field and about 15 of thick brush. Around it is corn,beans and clover.The woods and brush are 900 feet in off the road.

I find it easy to fill the freezer most years bow and gun,but i'm trying to step up my game and was put under the farms "big bucks" only rule a few years back so I have no choice anyway. I've managed to take a couple in the last 2 years.

My wife and siblings own 120 acres across the road all crop fields we rent it out,only a couple hedgerows to hunt there.

At 53 I got time now and the job that lets me hunt a lot. I got 8 stands up mostly on edges I stay out of the heart of things prefering to let them come out to me .

My wife not only came with land but she does not care how much I hunt, no really around now she says,"see you around Christmas " !

Oh I just got my first digital camera so with any luck,I'll have some pictures to post.

Good luck to all.

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Ha I still pay the price like all married men lol. I have thought of a food plot in the field. The farmer mows half of it now,this allows me to drive to the edge of the woods to drop off pick up stands and deer,I also have a small shooting shack/hut near the road end of it but still 300 feet or so in.The feild has crops beans and clover this year on two sides now.

I know zero about plots and its not my land, the farmer would have to do it.

BTW I got married Nov. 4th ! What a dummy, but I did not bow hunt then. For some reason I started the next year.....

A few years back i went to Montana on the 4th. That cost me a diamond neckless.

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Got up at 4:30 53 outside light wind,drove 32 miles to my spot colder and windy but from the west good for todays stand on hay field.

Moved the stand this year after a few years of passing does and small bucks,while watching big ones take a pretty set route to far away.

Got busted walking in, but it never seem to run off,snort i'd stop, walk some then it would snort from the same spot.

7:00 or so 2 doe popped out to feed , go back in pop out again .

Not a too bad for the first morning. My plan was to go back for an afternoon sit, but they don't come out till dusk and I don't like to bow hunt then unless I can come back the next morning and I gotta work tues.

Don't want to burn out my stands or me, got 2 weeks off end oct. beginning of Nov. and plenty of hunting days before that as well, may wait till thur.afternoon.

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Thursday evening hunt. inside corner of hardwoods with shots to edge of corn field,always a good spot.

74 degrees and sunny... slow walk in,up in stand by 5:00. Saw tirkeys and one doe ! Very slow.

Took some pics of the area to post if I can figure it out.

Will hunt tomorrow AM.

hum got in figured out ! 2 shots of either side of woods,one from stand, and a field with my "hut" added another better view from stand to edge of corn.





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Well this AM was a bit of a let down, saw nothing !! Which does happen, just not at todays stand,its one I put guests in as you always at least SEE deer from it .

Its a ladder and I thought it had a strap on the tree to tie into but no. So i screwed in a tree step, took the loop of rope off my pack and tied a Prusik to the step to clip into.

Shot a field point before getting down like always, hit a rock.....

Saw what I thought was a wild pig, put the binos on it , looked like a giant raccoon ! I should have stayed in bed, oh and i do have an eye Dr. appt today at 4:00, that might help things.

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Good stuff Larry. Thanks for sharing. Your turf is too good to stay slow for long and i know you'll find a way to put the deer on the ground. If you happen to see a 3.5 yr old 9 pointer with palmated beams, i let him walk on tues night. Had him at 10 yrds but i thought he would really look great on the wall next year. It was a hard decision. Good luck and keep the stories coming..

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Thanks guys. Dave I'm trying to step it up this year,buck size wise .Last year I took a doe first night out and passed on plenty of young bucks,saw maybe 5 "shooters" none in range. I was ok with that,but I had no so so ones to temp me. .....That may be an issue,I know whats around but will I go for the buck in the hand ??

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Well got out this morning. 47 seemed like a south wind, but as i got mear the stand the wind was not blowing much in that area ,for once.

Went to my TV field, a hay field where the deer pour into it like on those shows... well if 6,8,12 deer count.

second time in this stand this year. ZERO deer today.Ya its early,warm,crops still up and so forth.I'd still like to see some lol.

Going to my best stand tomorrow night. Tonights Survivor night, with friends coming over !

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What with working nights and hunting yesterday AM today was my first day to sleep in, in awhile and I'm happy ! Tonight I'll go to my "best" stand for the first time this year.

Taken many deer there, my 2nd best bow buck,a plump doe the first sit last year, and my friend got his best buck ever out of it last opening day afternoon,as i took one in the AM and put him in it for the PM. Got lots of good bucks on cam there this year.

Its on the edge of thick thick brush with standing beans 30 yards to the east.We shall see....

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Change of plans !!! Farmer just called he was combining beans on our land, near my stand of yesterday and jumped a monster 12pt out of our ditch,it ran into some thick brush near by.

This puts my stand between where he is now(we think) and where he goes at night.

A man can hope can't he ?

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Wow just WOW. Never saw the monster 12 pt I did see 4 other nice bucks.First at 6:00 just as the shadows came across the west side of the field 4 doe and a decent 10pt popped out to feed some. he was not quite as wide as his ear tips with what looked like 6 inch G2's,i watched him for some time with the binos. Would like to pass him,but could be tempting , never came close.

Time to get down, toss seat cushion into field put on pack grab bow climb down step into field see 3 shooter bucks 50 yards away !!! Holy crap,first one runs back into brush,I drop to all fours in tall grass the other two just stare, then back to feeding ! I'm trapped for 15 minutes, got a decent look through the binos, then they walked off.what a hunt !

This is like a years worth of big bucks for me in one sit .

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Thanks Eddie going tonight after visting my 90 y/o Mom. But a south wind is the worst possible wind for this stand seeing as how they pass by me to the north.

Going to what i thought before would be my best stand . I'm starting to like afternoons !

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Well tonight I sat in the same stand as last night.The wind was right for it ( from the north ) and now I know of at least 5 good bucks over there so I figured I'd give it a sit. All i saw tonight was 4 doe. The good thing was they feed right in front of me and i did not get busted,made me feel a little better about the set up.

Go in on days tomorrow so the next time I will go is maybe tue. really want to get back over to my main spot want to get to my best stand,have a camera up there i have not been near in a month .

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Don't get impatient Larry.. Your playing it smart by sitting where the wind is best and it has payed off for you so far. Your not getting busted and your seeing deer. Remember, its still very early. Normally we wouldn't even be hunting yet so the best is yet to come.. Hopefully you will get the wind right soon for your best stand so you can get to those cams and hopefully gt a chance at one of those bucks..

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