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Here we go again......


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Seriously ...all you office workers ...management ppl must pucker when you see this....crazy ...scares the blazes out of me....when the family members tell me of job and ppl interactions around them...When I worked in a high school it was a scary thing and that was years ago ....everyone be safe

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Not attractive to me either. You may have a uniform and handcuff fetish. ;)

There are more shootings everywhere in America. This is why I'm a strong advocate of concealed carry. If I can carry my pistol where ever I feel the need to, at least I'd have a chance against some A-hole that walks into the place to shoot people at random. The government has no right to strip me of my right to Life and self defense. They can prosecute me if I break the law with the gun, but not until I do! IMHO, a lot fewer of these shootings would happen, and lot fewer innocent people would get killed, if concealed carry was more common.

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