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New Black Panthers At Back At Polling Places In Philadelphia

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Sorry ...but some blk guy standing at a door way with a beret on his head ...doesn't in the least bit look intimidating to me...ppl that would use that as an excuse not to vote deserves to pay for another 4 yrs of Government spending on those... whom ever they may be.... that don't want to help them selves :fie:

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Sorry ...but some blk guy standing at a door way with a beret on his head ...doesn't in the least bit look intimidating to me...ppl that would use that as an excuse not to vote deserves to pay for another 4 yrs of Government spending on those... whom ever they may be.... that don't want to help them selves :fie:

He's wearing the uniform of the new black panthers. It's not just some black guy in a beret. They are a racist hate group. Confirmed. Racist little punks like that would not intimidate me either but they will intimidate some. Thats the point.

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