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ANTLERS last won the day on June 21

ANTLERS had the most liked content!


  • Birthday 09/06/1965

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Suffolk county

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Lake Huntington NY
  • Hunting Gun
    SAKO .308
  • Bow

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Rising Star

Rising Star (9/14)

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  1. While entering an auditorium to give a campaign speech in Milwaukee in 1912, Theodore Roosevelt was shot at point blank range. The bullet passed thru his eyeglass case and the folds of his speech. Despite pleas from staffers to go to the hospital, TR refused and with a bullet lodged in his chest and blood trickling down his shirt gave a 90 minute speech with no microphone or speakers. He apologized to supporters for not speaking louder as he had just been shot. Theodore Roosevelt, the original badass.
  2. The way your starting your day is completely different than the way they started theirs 6-6-44. We will remember them.
  3. Homemade fish chowder with the catch of the day, bluefish. Wife hit it out of the park again. Awesome.
  4. Yes they do. Got this big guy Monday, 37” and 20 lbs. broke my heart to release it but it lives to fight another day.
  5. Went to Dicks yesterday here on Long Island to stock up on some fishing stuff and the hunting section is gone, relegated to a 6x6 shelf with some left over xxxL or youth size jackets and 3 orange hats.
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