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Stupid is as Stupid Does . . .


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When I was in the Marines , I made 2 Med Cruises . We pulled liberty in several countries . I was forwarned about the "rock in a box trick" before going on Liberty in Naples , Italy . A couple guys on the street would call out " hey Joe , you want buy 22 Beretta " and the guy would look all around like he was watching for cops and pull a box from under his coat and show you a pistol . He would put the box back under the coat and haggle the price with the unsuspecting Marine or Sailor . When the price was agreed on ,he would be handed the money and the person would get a box . The guy would shout , "Policia , policia " and run off . Suppossedly the buyer would look in the box only to find a rock . I know 2 JarHeads that had this happen and they showed me the box with the stone . I wonder if there are any rocks left in Naples ! :fie:

If a deal sounds too good to be true , it probably is ..........

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