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3H - Hows it looking?


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I actually hunt 3k but the very border area and I have to say that over the last 5 years the antler sized have a considerable improvement and bear numbers have grown also.  Even with the illegal spotlight shooting a state trooper told me about.  I had gotten pulled over driving at night with a spotlight but when he saw I had a car full of kids and I told him we were just looking at deer for fun he explained that they have a big road hunting problem.  he came out of nowhere as if he was waiting for something like that so it must be a problem.

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  • 4 weeks later...

hunted 6:30am to 5:30 today in Lake Huntington.All my usual spots.In a word dead.I saw a total of 1 deer and that was at sunset.Drove through town and there they where,dozens of them in the open fields.I guess their hanging near the fringe all day because there not deep in the woods.I've experienced this in mid October before.

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that does sound logical.But I've seen this before in past mid oct. hunts.The rut has not kicked in yet,So their not being chased around,weather still fairly warm,and no killing frost yet to kill the grass .Their in the open an hour before sunset,That should change in a few weeks.

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It was ridiculously windy the first few days of the opener... At night I was actually wobbling, felt like I was on a cruise ship and got to land.  With that wind, they bedded down, and movement was non-existent unless pushed.  This morning was a beautiful morning, with low winds, and there was a bunch of activity all over the property.  I wish the first few days were no so damn windy, and I was freezing too ;)

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It was ridiculously windy the first few days of the opener... At night I was actually wobbling, felt like I was on a cruise ship and got to land.  With that wind, they bedded down, and movement was non-existent unless pushed.  This morning was a beautiful morning, with low winds, and there was a bunch of activity all over the property.  I wish the first few days were no so damn windy, and I was freezing too ;)

have you been seeing anything john?

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Lots!  Unfortunaly with zero success... My uncle took a doe yesterday on my place... I saw a real beautiful 8... I was just unprepared, and it walked off by the time I was set.. I tried to get him back but he wanted no part of my grunts!  Saw a load of deer @ 50+ yards, lots of spikes (UNDER MY STAND, I could have spit on them).  I can't wait to go back up, I know the stand I want to be in now ;)

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was up today,depsite the 67 deg temp,had 4 does walk directly behind me this morning,Wasnt expecting them to come from that direction.They were very skittish.One caught my movement and they took off.saw one spike also.Tons of them back in town waving to me goodbye as I drove out.

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  • 3 weeks later...

last sunday had bucks chasing does two diff 6's i let go and a sweet 8 i drew on at 430 but forgot to mind hid little girlfriend she huffed and split i had my pin on him at 15 yards heard her comotion and turned to look and when i turned back to him he was headed for the hills literally.

last monday sam spot not a deer? no weather to blame 2 other guys in the same area with me a few miles between same experience i dont know.

i will bow hunt lik 9am till dark fri then back out on sat till tues.

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