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Turkey hunting...

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hey guy's turkey season starts Oct 1 in NY, are any of you guy's going to give em a shot or are you all just too geared up for deer season. i have never hunted fall turkey but i have such a blast in the spring i was thinking about it...

any experianced fall turkey killers have any tips for the fall birds? i am alittle concerned with disturbing the woods right before whitetail season but really like the idea of being able to get out early Oct..

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I killed my first fall turkey in 1965...

If you are a bowhunter, listen for birds to fly up to roost in the evening when you are bowhunting... When you hear some, go back the next morning before daybreak and scatter the flock off the roost..

Then sit down in the same general area and start giving hen yelps...Chances are you'll get an answer ( or several)...

You'll have a ball...Often you will have several birds coming in from different directions..

When they get close ,remember.. They are still turkeys and very wary..You must limit your movements if you are going to get a good shot.. Those fall poults will spook at movement almost as quickly as a spring gobbler will..

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I go out specifically for turkeys a couple of weekends every October.  I love hunting them in the fall even more than in the spring since you can hunt all day and kill any bird you want.  For me it beats bowhunting deer hands down.  I got tired of just LOOKING at deer out of bow range when the odds are better that I will get a shot at some turkeys with a shotgun!  Like others have mentioned, if you bust up a flock that might be out of range you are most likely in for some action after you start to call. 

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