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So wait, which is it? A group that advocates for hunters rights, and traditions is not an answer, and you shouldnt bother getting involved. Or, that you should get involved in such an organization?

Sounds like you dont know much about what the QDMA is or what they stand for.

I think he meant QDM not QDMA... one is an idea the other an organization.

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51 to 49 is not really overwhelming.

Talking about NY Senate? Not sure what you mean.

:gamer: just got real political up in here

That's how we learn.

Remember, depends what a person means by - a union. A group of people that get together to do something, has formed a union.

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Thats all fine and well...but lets look back...your club was what 100yrs old?....depending on your age or families if they hunt...how many years have you been where you are? and what was the price of land there say 30-40 years ago?

Price still irrelevant to what I'm pointing out....sons 5acres and 3000 +sqft 2 bath 4 bedroom two garage and a pond house...on market for 69,900...bought for 36,000....our recent 24 1/2 acre piece bought for 10,000....it just takes work and planning ...the neighbor just bought 80,000 house for 35,000.......one needs to work, plan and look farther than tomorrow to get things they want...

Economics 101. If the price of land goes up, so does the tax rate.East Hook Rod & Gun (which I'm not a member of), had their land since the club started. They're another club that is old. They bought the land when the club was established. The tax rate got so high, that they had to sell their land, and buy property where the taxes weren't so high. Price is relevant-at least down here.

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Listen ...every excuse in the book just won't fly...for there ...... as I have pointed out with examples...... are always other options...and you have yet to address what prices were way back when...I will agree TODAY areas no matter what state your in ...within a state can be worlds apart...but decades ago ...sorry not quite so much....

Sell...I believe if really explored...may have just been the most expedient solution...but admittedly speculation

Now prices I mentioned....look at it in relative terms to your area...and yes sir places can be had at unbelievable low prices....it just takes work ...time and a willingness to put forth the effort....IMO.....

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Getting involved in advocacy groups is good. Look at it as a starting point.

QDMA will lobby. And that is good. But we are up against a populace that, unfortunately, has the odds over us. We need more than QDMA, NRA, and GOA.

Writing personal letters (a single canned one, [write one, copy the rest], and send them to your elected officials. The more in your district the better. State Assembly and Senate; and also the Federal reps in our districts.

The establishment system is setup for two players, they make the rules;, the Democrats and Republicans. The Repulicans tend to have more folks who are 2nd Amendment knowledgable but there are plenty of Democrats too. I try to attend Democrat functions. There I, talk, to people and anybody I can who are in the system.

I just attended a visit by Congresswoman Kathy Hockul and asked her a question so others could here. And then formed rapports with people in attendance.

I also go to some politcal party meetings, and put them on the spot.

There just are not enough folks letting them know that the people;s voice is not being heard. There are about 10 states where they have had to react to our presence and that is good.

So, we personally need to get involved. Advocacy groups is only part of it.

Just trying to ad some info on what I have been experiencing since I got involved five years ago.

I agree. The key is for people to get involved as much as possible. Build these advocacy groups up by joining and you have a louder, mor consistent voice to be heard.

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That's how we learn.

Remember, depends what a person means by - a union. A group of people that get together to do something, has formed a union.

maybe i missed your point. when you said an overwhelming majority chose big government i was referring to the recent elections popular vote results. maybe i misunderstood.

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