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Last Day Pirates.


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So I went into work yesterday just for the extra money even though it was second to last day of gun. doe.

I got up to leave a tad bit pi$$ed that my last day wash a wash out. As i'm walking out I see a guy, no tags but had a shotgun. So i'm starting to put 2 and 2 together to realize they were driving deer.. Ok.

Well I get near the road and see a red suv sitting there guy in it rifle in the front and here comes these clowns with there little bambi deer didn't tag it shot the first one they seen loaded it up and took off.

Thats 2 deer in 2 days. To me thats poaching.. Clearly.

And no I didn't call the dec at this point in time I just wanted to get home.

I'll go late bow and avoid the crazy gun "hunters".. { And no im not saying all gun hunters are crazy but some of them just want to a easy hunt }.. To me thats not hunting.

So you feel you witnessed a crime and did nothing to stop it? Sounds like your part of the problem too.

Edited by wooffer
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I hardly EVER have a tag displayed outside the deer, I've had them pinned in the ear, in a film canistert wrapped around an antler, and lost em all at some point, whether dragging (I no longer attach until at truck as is legal), or in the truck on the ride home.

Now, I simply FOLD the tag up, and slide it inside the deer's gumline and mouth. Great tip from a DEC officer - he said you might get asked about it if stopped, but it's in there and ain't going anywhere.

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