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School bombing in 1927 in Michigan killed 45 people

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these children haven't all been laid to rest yet and people are throwing crap around for whatever reason to defend guns.just don't seem right...kinda like having one of your kids killed in a hunting accident and then going back out hunting the next morning..........give it a chance to heal.

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This has hit everyone hard,I cant imagine loosing my girl,she is what I live for.Some people deal with it different than most.Some will take wear their emotions on their sleeve's and some people bury it deep inside and try to never let it surface again.People that are wired this way will use any weapon that is there.Weather it be a gun,explosives,knives,poison,vehicles or a thousand other ways to hurt innocents. Nobody has the answers but we all need to help each other get through this one way or another.Just remember we as sportsman are going to be in a fight to try and keep or right to bear arms here.Thats a major deal to me and everyone that reads this.I use rifles,pistols,shotguns and muzzleloaders over the course of the year to hunt.Just because some jagoff used a gun to do harm to others doesn't mean I or any others like us will do the same .Please be kind and respectful to your fellow sportsman

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these children haven't all been laid to rest yet and people are throwing crap around for whatever reason to defend guns.just don't seem right...kinda like having one of your kids killed in a hunting accident and then going back out hunting the next morning..........give it a chance to heal.

No one likes to see these events in the news, with that said, there wouldn't be a necessity to defend gun rights if there was never an offensive against them.

Think about that and maybe do some WTF's to those starting the gun control threads instead.

RIP little angels, you're in a much better place than the rest of us, that's for sure.

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I wasn't trying to be insensitive, I have 2 kids and can't even imagine the anguish all in Newtown are experiencing. I only posted this because there is a national debate brewing on firearm restrictions and as this is a hunting forum I thought others who may not have seen this story might be interested in it.I am not placing firearm ownership above human life.

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I wasn't trying to be insensitive, I have 2 kids and can't even imagine the anguish all in Newtown are experiencing. I only posted this because there is a national debate brewing on firearm restrictions and as this is a hunting forum I thought others who may not have seen this story might be interested in it.I am not placing firearm ownership above human life.

those guns were legally owned, nothing could have stopped that as far as gun laws go, much like most of the past mass shootings in recent history go..legally obtained guns and ammo.....no offense to you, just can't believe all pro gun stuff written so soon afterwards.

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those guns were legally owned, nothing could have stopped that as far as gun laws go, much like most of the past mass shootings in recent history go..legally obtained guns and ammo.....no offense to you, just can't believe all pro gun stuff written so soon afterwards.

wrong...they were legally owned by the lunatics mother, not the lunatic............................he broke the law taking HER guns, and then broke it killing HER first............................all the pro-gun stuff so soon afterwards?? have you been watching the news and listening to the radio......................its tons and TONS of anti-gun......we need MORE law NOW!!! talk

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I'm gonna apologize to anyone I offended, this whole tragedy stokes up emotion's in people like no other......more so than 9/11 as far as I'm concerned, gonna leave it at that for now.

I agree with you and I don't know what the answers are.I can't help thinking that we are almost to 2013 and these violent acts shouldn't be happening.Better mental health care might do much more than anything else.

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