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NYS DMP Lottery


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They may have some collected data by township, in fact I have copies of some of that town by town harvest data from the DEC for many of the years. However, whatever they learn about specific townships, they still allocate DMPs by WMU. So even though some particular town may show an over abundance of deer, the WMU allocation still relies on the average across the entire WMU which doesn't necessarily have to correlate. Even county figures do not effect DMP allocation.

I hear you Doc, but there has to be a better way of allocating DMP where they are needed. And reduce them where they need be.

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I hear you Doc, but there has to be a better way of allocating DMP where they are needed. And reduce them where they need be.

I think even the DEC understands the weak points of managing with such large areas, but it probably is a point of practicality. So the DMP system will always be simply a compromise as areas with small populations get thrown in with areas of large populations. There probably is no magic bullet capable of making any significant change in that regard as much as we might imagine that there is.

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