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This is an open letter to my state representatives Patty Ritchie and Addie Russell,


This is a letter to express my concerns with the Governor's plan to infringe upon mine and everyone else's second amendment rights to keep and bear arms. The stats has already over stepped it's bounds in the past by enacting many strict gun laws as it is. This is not about me being able to hunt with a firearm, it is about my inalienable right guaranteed in the second amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. The second amendment is about being able to stand up against a tyrannical government. If the said government is able to take away our firearms, we stand no chance against a take over. I ask that you do the right thing and fight for all of our rights.

Thank you

Thought i would share

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Another letter sent out to my State Senator and state assemblyman:

I heard a lot of distressing talk in the Governor’s address about another round of proposed attacks on the rights of law-abiding gun owners in this state. As one of your constituents, I want to go on record as opposing a further spread of these ineffective attempts at violence control. I think that the legislated harassment of the law abiding in combination with the coddling of the criminal element has gone on entirely too long and needs to be halted right now.

I also do not want the government mandating that I be placed in a defensive handicapped position to those criminals bent on doing harm to me or my family. I see no reason for our government to be legislating that law abiding citizens be put at a disadvantage to the criminal element when it comes to home defense.

The time is now to begin innovative approaches to violence control rather than simply trotting out the old time-worn, unimaginative, failed, battles against guns and the law abiding citizens that use them. It’s time to insist that remedies focus on the root causes rather than the pieces of hardware that are legitimately used everyday in a legal fashion by your constituents.

Thank you for your time.

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Here is a reply From Brian Kolb, NYS Assembly Minority Leader (less than 8 hrs from the time I sent him my message):

Thank you for expressing your concerns about proposed gun control measures. The horrific tragedies in Newtown, Connecticut and Webster, New York have prompted calls for some fundamental changes in public safety regarding firearms and mental health. I welcome such discourse. Our nation has a framework in place to thoughtfully address issues such as these.

I have always been a steadfast supporter of the Second Amendment. It is therefore worth noting that the United States Supreme Court has recently re-affirmed that the Second Amendment should be construed as stating that an individual has a fundamental right to gun ownership for the purpose of self-protection. I remain committed to advocating for our Constitutional Freedom. New York State already has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation. We do not need any more.

Our goal should be to address the underlying issues that have resulted in tragedies such as Newtown and Webster. We need to proactively ensure that individuals who should not have guns do not obtain them, period. There should not be further restrictions placed on law-abiding citizens. This will involve the cooperation of mental health professionals, interaction with local law enforcement and others, as well as an enhanced reporting system. The scope of these tragedies transcends a discussion that is simply about guns. It requires a fundamental examination of our society and public safety.

If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Brian M. Kolb

Assembly Minority Leader

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Here is the reply from my State Senator (a confessed anti-gun Democrat....lol):

Thank you for taking the time to e-mail me. Your comments and suggestions are very important to me and an integral part of the legislative process.

Doesn't that sound like a quick brush-off? He doesn't even acknowledge the subject, and his response could just as easily be about something like fracking or any other subject that he doesn't want to commit to. Talk about a canned response meant to say nothing of content or commitment. Well, it doesn't matter. At least he knows that he just blew off one more vote in the next election, and if he gets enough similar responses, it may occur to him that in a close election, he may be cutting his own throat.

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Just curious, but do you honestly think they read all these letters?? not trying to be rude in any way. I am actually curious if letters like this get read and considered??

I believe that the staff reads enough to get the gist of which side of the issue the letter-writer is coming from. I also believe that a check mark is made on a list indicating "For" or "Against". As far as the details of the content, they are only to validate true interest in the issue and are to indicate that the writer views this issue as very important. I have heard enough reports from legislators that show that they do boil these responses down to numbers and have in the past provided those exact numbers to the media as a ratio.

I am convinced that they look at these letters as votes in thier next election. I think they have enough political savvy to understand that anyone who takes the time to compose and send an opinion on an issue is very likely to translate the response into an important part of their voting choice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is an interesting response from Schumer. Doesn't this kind of sound like he is shaking your hand while he stabs you in the back. We know from his voting record that he is a much more hardline anti-gunner than he is letting on in this response. These guys are good ..... lol.

Thank you for contacting me regarding gun control legislation. Like you, I believe the right to bear arms is guaranteed by the Constitution’s Second Amendment. The recent Supreme Court decisions reinforced this fact, but I believed that this was the case prior to those decisions.

While I certainly respect the Second Amendment to the Constitution, I believe that we have a collective interest in keeping guns out of the hands of those who want to harm the innocent. I believe it is possible to strike a reasonable balance. I have long advocated for faster and more accurate background checks so legal purchasers can receive their guns quickly while ensuring criminals do not illegally purchase and possess firearms. In 2011, I proposed S. 436, the Fix Gun Checks Act to provide more funding to states to compile required background data for the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). This legislation builds on the National Rifle Association-supported NICS Improvements Amendment Act, passed by Congress in 2007. Ensuring that this information is comprehensive and up to date will protect law enforcement from criminals with illegally obtained weapons while speeding up the process for purchasing legal firearms.

You may also be pleased to know that I have successfully fought to create new opportunities for law abiding citizens to exercise their right to use guns. For example, in the 109th Congress, I secured federal money to expand the scarce hunting grounds in New York State by creating a financial incentive for private landowners to allow hunters access to their property.

Thank you for contacting me about this important issue. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future if I can ever be of assistance to you on this, or any other matter.


Charles E. Schumer

United States Senator

Please do not respond to this email. To send another message please visit my website at https://schumer.sena...ntact_chuck.cfm . Thank you.

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What I noticed about Schumer's response was that there was absolutely no mention of the bulk of material that gun owners found objectionable. Where did he hide his position on so-called "assault weapons"? Where was a statement of his position on any planned ammunition harrassments for law abiding gun owners. He not so cleverly responded to a letter regarding future gun controls with no real discussion of future gun controls. The guy is a slippery snake, but not really all that talented with making it not very obvious. The guy really does think his constituents are all idiots.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is the response I got from my U.S. Representative, Chris Collins (district 27):

Thank you for contacting me to express your thoughts about gun regulation. I appreciate hearing from you.

The shooting which took place in Newtown, Connecticut, saddens us all- without question it is a tragedy. However, we should not use it as a pretense to weaken our Constitutional rights by denying people the right to own firearms. Law-abiding citizens should not fall victim to additional laws and regulations, which will have no impact on reducing crime. I strongly support the Second Amendment and the right of an individual to protect themselves and their families. I will keep your concerns in mind as we discuss how to prevent violence, while remaining true to our core values embodied in the Constitution.

Thank you again for contacting me about this issue. To receive important updates on my work in the 27th district on New York and in Washington DC, sign up for the E-newsletter on my website at www.chriscollins.house.gov. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I may be of assistance in the future.




Member of Congress


Remember that Obama is still trying to sell his version of the attack on the 2nd Amendment. There are still senators and congressmen to be influenced. so keep on cranking out those letters, e-mails and phone calls. If you've already done so, do it again. Make it clear that we are serious about any further harrassments of law abiding, gun owning, citizens. Do not let your silence imply apathy.

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