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Lessons Learned

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Well, one thing that I think we all learned about is how fast Albany can pass legislation when they want to shove something down our throats without adequate discussion and public input. Give those cfreeps credit for having taken us to the cleaners with their dirty tactics. But let's apply that old saying, "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me". This all happened so fast that even the NRA got caught up short. This "slip it to them before they know what hit them" tactic worked very well.

It all points out the fact that any letter writing you intend to do can not be put off until "tomorrow". These suckers could be shoving legislation through before your letters ever get to your Representatives if you procrastinate. That's why it is important to keep a document on your hard-drive that lists names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses of your State Senator, State Assemblyman, federal senators and congressmen. When the issue is made clear, waste no time getting those letters, phone calls, and emails out.

Another good idea is to follow up this new law with letters of thanks to those who voted in our favor, and also letters to those who voted for it explaining how their decision will be remembered during the next election.

And by the way people we are not done yet. There is still a federal activity involving heavy gun restrictions coming from our buddy, Obama. We have U.S. Senators and Congressmen to contact. Keep the heat on. The job ain't done yet!

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it's gonna be a battle to have these laws reversed once they're on the books, any politician who run's a campaign with the agenda of reducing gun restrictions is gonna have a tough time.

Well one thing that takes it out of the hands of the politicians is to fight it in the courts. Look for that from the NRA.

In the meantime lets fight the battle that is in front of us ..... the Obama gun-grab. Let's not drag our feet on this one.

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Well one thing that takes it out of the hands of the politicians is to fight it in the courts. Look for that from the NRA.

In the meantime lets fight the battle that is in front of us ..... the Obama gun-grab. Let's not drag our feet on this one.

you're exactly right, this thing that happened in New York is almost unbelievable. Hundreds of people being told they have to either sell or dispose of personal property without even being heard. I hope nobody makes any hasty decisions to register or get rid of their guns until the last legal minute. an out of state gun dealer could make a fortune accepting and storing the magazines that have to be disposed of until this thing is fought to the end.

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I followed up by firing one of my lawyers , Ted O'brian ,he's also a State Senator who voted yes. My folks used him for their wills,P.O.A's and so on, after my Dads passing we used him for some estate planning and things that my Mom needed done.

He got a text from me next morning ,telling him because of his vote, we would no longer need him.

My lawyer that I used for all my stuff owns an AR and a Glock as well as hunts. He's in Canandaigua if anyone

wants a lawyer who is one of us PM me.

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unfortunately most politicians are only interested in what will get them the most votes, most will abandon their beliefs if it won't get them a higher office or reelected.

That is exactly the root of our power. Make them fear that they are losing votes. It's the only thing that impacts their decisions. We may be a minority, but a voting minority that votes as a unified block is a very scary thing to a politician.

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