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The simple answer is "Yes". And also there is now the added benefit of achieving a condition of independence and not relying on a source of ammo that is always under threat of being regulated away, or becoming a source of ever-increasing harrassment by taxation and/or regulation. This is the time to get equipped and educated in the techniques of reloading, and also laying in a lifetime stockpile of needed components (or as close to that as you can practically acheive).

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Very nice. I'm new to reloading although I have been around firearms, shooting and hunting my whole life reloading is one thing I have not thought much about until now.

What are some of the must haves to get into reloading? I would like to reload a number of calibers that I own and maybe show my sister how to do it also.

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Re-loading press

Powder dispenser

Powder scale

Priming tool


Case sizer and de-priming dies

bullet seating dies

Case length trimmer

De-burring tool

A good set of vernier calipers



brass (cases)



Reloading manual - I recommend Hornady's book, but there are others that are all good.

Probably the best accessory that I can recommend would be a friend that reloads to sit with you for a while to show you step-by-step exactly how to do it.

So everybody ..... What did I forget? I know that list sounds awful short to me like I might have left out a bunch of stuff.

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  On 2/1/2013 at 10:27 AM, HuntOrBeHunted said:

Very nice. I'm new to reloading although I have been around firearms, shooting and hunting my whole life reloading is one thing I have not thought much about until now.

What are some of the must haves to get into reloading? I would like to reload a number of calibers that I own and maybe show my sister how to do it also.

We just had a thread on this and I gave links to some of the stuff I got when I got into it.


I chose this set up becasue I could use in in single stage operation for my rifle rounds and in a more progressive mode for pistol ammo. with everything set up I can load 100-150 357 magmun in about an hour. For rifles it is flexible enough to load even long magnum rifle rounds and the price point didn't break the bank.

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Lyman puts out a couple of excellent reloading books . One for rifles and one for pistols . Read the book a couple of times before getting into reloading to see if you feel you are up to the task .,

If you get into it , check Craigslist as sometimes there are some decent reloading equipment for sale on there .

Lee has some excellent starter kits . RCBS puts out a RockChucker reloading kit that is supposed to be good but more expensive than Lee equipment .

There is another Reloading thread on this site

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