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First time hunter looking for some advice and pointers

Bird Turglar

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Yes, I'm a newbie.  Ever since I learned how to make beef jerky, I've been wanting venison.  I just recently purchased my first firearm a couple days ago from a buddy of mine.  It is a 12ga Remmington 870 magnum express combo pump action.  And I just purchased my first hunting license today.  I'm thinking about buying the lifetime sportsman license next year with my income tax return because with the cost of fishing and hunting licenses, it will pretty much pay for itself in about 10 years.  I've also been stocking up on hunting gear and camo.  I've bought a lot of my camo and various odds and ends type of stuff at Wal Mart.  Yes I know you're probably thinking that I should buy my gear at high end hunting supply stores, but unfortunately I'm not wealthy like some of you...lol  I also bought an instructional DVD online that shows step-by-step how to field dress and properly boucher a deer.  As much as I'm looking foward to shotgun season in late November, there are some things I am nervous about regarding deer hunting.  One of my biggest things is what to do if I kill a deer.  I just don't want to screw up the field dressing and spoil the meat or waste any meat.  If I'm gonna take a deer's life, I owe it to the deer to make the most of him (or her if the DMP lottery allows me to hunt doe), and I don't want the deer to go to waste.

But over all, I just want to know if any of you experienced hunters have any good advice in general to give to a newbie like myself.  Anything I should know about or be aware of?  Thank you!

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If you know anyone that hunts I believe thats the best way to really learn. Go hunting with them even if your not the one  doing the hunting its a good way to learn the whole process once it all happens. 

BTW, there is nothing wrong with buying your stuff at walmart.  If it keeps you safe warm and protected its all good

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Well I'd say just try not to be nervous. It's hunting not just killing. Be focused and calm. You're doing the right thing by asking questions. Enjoy the time you spend hunting and always be safe. Every outing is a learning experience even for veteran hunters. Every hunt will not go as planned. Try not to get discouraged. Every animal taken buck/doe, big or small is a trophy. Be patient,stay safe and have fun! Do you plan on hunting with another person/people? Public or private land? Use every resource available ie. topo/satellite maps. Try to locate deer trails to and from feeding and bedding areas. Try to get into your hunting area before daybreak so that if you do jump a deer it might not go very far since it can't see what it was that spooked it. If you know where their bedding areas are, try to stay downwind of it when entering your hunting area. One of the first things I do when I get in a stand since I don't have a range finder is to pick out spots or objects and visually judge the distance, so that if a deer moves through I'll kinda' know what range it's at.

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Entire books have been written on hunting and they still do not contain all the things that you will learn over the years. However, one of the most important books that you should familiarize yourself with is the NYS hunting syllabus that comes with your license. That is number one. As many have painfully found out, "ignorance of the law is not an acceptable excuse for game law violations".

The next suggestion is to practice with whatever weapon you choose to hunt with.

A third suggestion is simply an agreement with what Fairgame said regarding finding a mentor/ hunting partner. You might consider joining a rod & gun club of some sort. There you will be able to find people who eat, sleep, and drink, hunting, and such an organization will also provide a place to get in some practice with your hunting weapon.

Good luck in your upcoming first season, and feel free to ask specific questions here. I don't think you will have any problem finding good advice and a willingness to help on this site.


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The 870 12 Ga was a wise choice its a tried and true gun.As far as field dressing check around your area lots of organizations have demonstrations before season starts and I bet you can find them on Youtube or other web sites.Each season you will need new items the day after season ends stores like Dicks sell things 50% or less off.A real hunters learning curve never ends.Good Luck to Ya.John

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