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Econ Officer Untangles Two Bucks using his semiauto pistol


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He was shooting at their antlers to separate them. They had been beaten the piss out of each other for who knows how long. It probably gave them a headache but better then getting between them.

That makes more sense than they are dead. I thought he was shooting and missed and just nicked one that is why i said it was terrible

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Dead?! look again they ran off after getting shot numerous times!!!!

And now are crawling around field bleating

And look at the title on top of video, "sharp Shooter" NOT

I thought he was shooting at the horns to break them apart ??? Was he hitting the deer? I don't know????

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Not an easy target. Good thing it was a big fat 45GAP. Kudos to the Encon dude if it really was a NYS officer. I always said/thought that shooting the horns with a 22 or something would be way safer than sawing or some other goofy way of untangling them.

May as well do it without harming the humans.

I am surprised that the deer went in to a kind of calm condition when he was capping away. Interesting.....

I bet one of those two ol' studs had a headache afterwards...............

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